Sylabus: Lectures Lecturers: • Kateřina Kamarádová, MD, PhD • Petra Kašparová, MD, PhD • Tomáš Rozkoš, MD, PhD • Prof. Aleš Ryška, MD, PhD • Jiří Soukup, MD, PhD • Václav Stejskal, MD, PhD
1. Introductory lesson (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
2. Cell injury, death and adaptation (prof. Ryška, 3 hours)
3. Inflammation and repair (dr. Kašparová, 6 hours)
4. Genetic and pediatric diseases (dr. Soukup, 6 hours)
5. Disorders of vascular flow (dr. Stejskal, 6 hours)
6. Environmental diseases (dr. Kamarádová, 6 hours)
7. Disorders of the immune system (dr. Kašparov á, 6 hours)
8. Neoplasia (prof. Ryška, 9 hours)
9. Infectious diseases (dr. Rozkoš, 6 hours)
10. Cardiovascular system (dr. Stejskal, 9 hours)
11. Consultation on controversial topics (prof. Ryška, 3 hours) Practical courses & seminars Lecturers: • Miroslav Podhola, MD, PhD, Václav Stejskal, MD, PhD (Tuesday) • Tomáš Rozkoš, MD, PhD, Monika Manethová, MD (Friday) Practical courses:
1. Necrosis. Slide No. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8,
2. Degenerations. Pigmentations. Slide No. 23, 24, 24B, 26, 35, 39, 93, 93B.
3. Adaptation. Atrophy. Hypertrophy. Metabolic disorders. Slide No. 11, 42, 42B, 49, 65, 70, 120, 146,
4. Inflammations. Slide No. 26A, 26B, 71, 74, 79, 83,
5. Repair. Granulomatous inflammations. Slide No. 4, 4B, 56, 56B, 97, 97B, 98, 108, 111, 113, 113B.
6. Disorders of vascular flow. Slide No. 55, 57, 60, 60B, 62A, 63, 63B,
7. Local disorders of vascular flow. Amyloidosis. Slide No. 29, 29B, 29C, 53, 54, 54B, 58B, 179,
8. Cysts. Tumors generally. Cytological examinations. Slide No. 47, 125, 129, 182, 183,
9. Tumors. Slide No. 130, 131, 133, 143, 144, 145,
10. Tumors. Metastasis. Slide No. 149, 150, 152, 152B, 153, 154, 157,
11. Surgical pathology.
12. Autopsy.
13. Credit examination (compulsory).
Pathological anatomy is part of basic study subjects. It introduces students to the nature of human diseases, the cause of diseases (etiology), the mechanisms of their development (pathogenesis) and the changes in cells and tissues caused by the disease (morphology of diseases).
General pathology:
Cell injury, death and adaptation; inflammation and repair; disorders of vascular flow; disorders of the immune system; genetic and pediatric diseases; environmental diseases; infectious diseases; neoplasia.
Entry requirements:
Biology II, Physiology II, Microbiology I