Subject and History of Medical Psychology. Psychosomatic approach in medicine.
Response to Disease and Defense Mechanisms. Placebo and psychology of pain.
Doctor-Patient Communication. Psychology and the doctor patient relationship in out- and in- patients.
Basic Psychotherapeutic Skills and Schools.Crisis Intervention.
Death and Dying in Medicine. Suicidality. Ethical Aspects of Medicine.
Practical courses
Communication with patients - disabled patients.
Essays: purpose and topics. Interviewing patients: verbal and nonverbal communication.
Therapeutic relationship. Difficult patient: acting-out and other defenses.
Crisis intervention.Psychological management of anxiety, stress and pain. Submission of essays.
Seminar: discussion and presentation of essays for credit. Feed-back survey.
The tutor responsible for practical classes: 2nd year 1. group Petr Hrubeš, M.D., 2. group Petr Mílek, M.D. lecturers:
MUDr. Petr mílek
PhDr. Kristýna Hosáková
Prof. MUDr.Jan Libiger, CSc. teachers:
PhDr. Kristýna Hosáková
Mgr. Martin Halíř
MUDr. Petr Hrubeš
MUDr. Jan Hubeňák
MUDr. Vladimír Klanica
MUDr. Richard Köhler
MUDr. Jan Libiger
MUDr. Petr Mílek
MUDr. Evgenii Sadykov
MUDr. Ivan Tůma
Physician-patient relationship, communication skills, communication styles, difficult patient, uncooperative patient, death and dying, euthanasia. Attitudes to illness: response to disease, response to stress Psychosomatic medicine: models and theories, somatization, dissociation.
Evolutionary aspects in medicine. Pain and psychogenic aspects of pain.
Deprivation, frustration, hospitalism. Psychological environment in treatment.
Cognitive-behavioral model of psychological intervention. Placebo, compliance with drug treatment.