Prof. Vladimír Blaha, M.D., Ph.D.
Vojtěch Mezera, M.D., Ph.D.
Prof. Radek Pudil, M.D., Ph.D.
PharmDr. MUDr. Kamil Rudolf, Ph.D.
Atherosclerosis. Lipid metabolism disorders
Geraitric syndromes
Geriatric patient, a specific approach
Physical activity and sports training in heart disease
Physical activity and sports training in chronic non-cardiac disease
Drug interactions in Internal Medicine
The seminars, presented in an interactive and mostly case-based form, introduce students to lipidology, endocrinology, obesitology, osteology, clinical pharmacology, geriatrics, intensive care and ECG analysis.
Prof. Vladimír Blaha, M.D., Ph.D. prof. Jan Čáp, M.D., Ph.D.
Jan Drugda, M.D.
Assoc. Prof. Filip Gabalec, M.D., Ph.D.
Prof. Jiří Horáček, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Martin Jakl, M.D., Ph.D.
Jana Jiráčková, M.D., Ph.D.
Božena Jurašková, M.D., Ph.D.
Astrid Matějková, M.D.
MSc. Radek Mathauser
Prof. Vladimír Palička, M.D., Ph.D., dr.h.c.
Assoc. Prof. Petr Pa řízek, M.D., Ph.D.
Ondřej Rennét, M.D.
Kamil Rudolf, M.D., MSc., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Solař, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.
Tomáš Veleta, M.D.
Pavel Vyroubal, M.D., Ph.D.
Lipidology: interactive clinical case
Endocrinology: interactive clinical case I
Endocrinology: interactive clinical case II
Endocrinology: interactive clinical case III
Obesity: Interactive clinical case
Osteologie: Interactive clinical case
Geriatry: interactive clinical case
Clinical pharmacology: interactive clinical case
Examination of an acute patient (ABCDE approach)
Acute care: interactive clinical case
Intensive care: interactive clinical case
ECG lecture with pro
The teaching content of Internal Medicine IV includes endocrinology, metabolic disorders, osteology, geriatrics, sports medicine, acute care, intensive care and general internal medicine.
Entry requirements: successful completion of the subject Internal Medicine III.
Outcomes (knowledge and clinical skills): 1. Knowledge of basic endocrinology, metabolic disorders, osteology, geriatrics, sports medicine, acute care, intensive care and general internal medicine. 2. Practicing clinical patient examination, differential diagnosis and choosing therapeutic methods.