Contents (Syllabus)
Summer term lectures cover information about paediatric subspecialities topics to provide the students with the basic overview about the subject of paediatrics. Lecturers focus on up-to-date knowledge and new trends which may not be covered in the list of recommended literature. The first part of every practical lesson is dedicated to a selected topic, namely differential diagnoses, and standard treatment regimens. These topics are presented by paediatric specialists. Attending all these lectures is an essential contributing factor to successfully passing the credit test and thereafter the Paediatrics State Exam.
Assoc. Prof. Sylva Skalova, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Kokstein, M.D., Ph.D.
David Neumann, M.D., Ph.D.
Erika Ondrusova, M.D., Ph.D.
Jan Melek, M.D.
Jana Micherova, M.D.
Lenka Minxova, M.D.
David Petrlik, M.D..
Pediatric pneumology (Micherova 1)
Pediatric hepatology (Melek 1)
Pediatric hematology (Ondrusova/Petrlik 1)
Pediatric nefrology (Skalova 1)
Pediatric revmatology (Minxova 1)
Pediatric gastroenterology (Melek 1)
Pediatric endokrinology (Neumann 1)
Pediatric cardiology (Kokstein 1)
Practical courses & seminars
Lecturers assoc. prof. Sylva Skálová, M.D., Ph.D.
Kristyna Beranova, M.D.
Jan Bouzek, M.D.
Ondrej Cernohorsky, M.D.
Eliska Dedkova, M.D.
Karolina Hanouskova, M.D.
Rana Ibrahim, M.D.
Michaela Kadanikova, M.D.
Adela Klofatova, M.D.
Jan Knizek, M.D.
Marie Kopecka, M.D.
Katerina Krylova, M.D., Ph.D.
Radka Lecnarova, M.D.
Jan Maly, M.D., Ph.D.
Tomas Matejek, M. D., Ph.D.
Jan Melek, M.D.
Jana Micherova, M.D.
Ondrej Mikes, M.D.
Jiri Nahlovsky, M.D.
Martina Navratilova, M.D.
Erika Ondrusova, M.D., Ph.D.
Diana Pablova, M.D.
Vera Pellantova, M.D., Ph.D.
David Petrlik, M.D.
Veronika Pokorna, M.D.
Stanislava Rosinska, M.D.
Petra Rozsivalova, PharmDr.
Eva Terifajova, M.D.
Jana Tomanova, M.D.
Martina Vozenilkova, M.D.
Veronika Vyroubalova, M.D.
Bara Zapletalova, M.D.
Dita Záveská, M.D.
Jana Zemankova, M.D., Ph.D.
Pharmacotherapy in childhood (Rozsívalov á)
Acute kidney damage. Chronic kidney disease. (Skálová)
Allergic diseases. Bronchial asthma. (Záveská)
Hereditary metabolic disorders - clinical manifestations (Matějek)
Congenital malformations requiring an urgent solution (Náhlovský)
Acute conditions in childhood (Kopecká/Pospíšilová)
Diabetes mellitus in childhood (Ibrahim)
Cancer in childhood (Petrlík)
Vaccination and its complications (Pellantová)
Practical coursesNo.10 1-9 Practice after microlecture according to direction to selected theses.
E-learning exercises:
Eating Disorders (1h)
Musculoskeletal disorders in children (1h)
Respiratory tract diseases (1 h)
Development of the immune system, congenital immunodeficiency states (1h)
Nephrotic syndrome; glomerulonephritis (1h)
Urinary tract infections in childhood (1h)
Hypertension in childhood (1h)
Cerebral palsy, epilepsy (1h)
Ileal conditions (1h)
Vomiting - causes and differential diagnosis (1h)
Dehydration in infancy (1h)
Parenteral nutrition in pediatrics (1h)
Disorders of acid-base balance (1h)
Hypercholesterolaemia and dyslipidemia in childhood (1h)
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB in childhood (1h)
Seminar to supplement and evaluate e-learning teaching I. (1h)
Seminar to supplement and evaluate e-learning teaching II (2h)
V letním semestru jsou přednášky zaměřeny na jednotlivé pediatrické subspecializace – dětská gastroenterologie a hepatologie, dětská endokrinologie, dětská hematologie, dětská nefrologie, dětská pneumologie, dětská revmatologie. Ranní semináře, které jsou součástí praktických cvičení, zahrnují problematiku akutních a závažných stavů v pediatrii, očkování a farmakoterapii v dětském věku.
E-learningová cvičení jsou zaměřena na diagnostiku a léčbu vybraných nejčastějších onemocnění dětského věku. Studenti se tak seznámí s problematikou výskytu, zvláštností, diagnostiky, léčby a prevence onemocnění v celém dětském věku 0-19 let.