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Myoskeletal Medicine

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Practical courses & seminars Syllabus: 1 What is MM? MM is subject which is interested in painful conditions of motor system, their a)functional diagnostics (blockage, painful muscle spasm, changes in soft tissue and disturbance of static and dynamic function of motor system b) functional therapy (mobilization, relaxation of muscles, soft tissue technique and remedial exercises). Demonstration of general principles of functional diagnostics and therapy, investigation and mobilization of interphalangeal joint, diagnostic of painful muscle spasm using m. biceps brachii and use post isometric relaxation (PIR) palpation of mm.antebrachii and use myofascial techniques. These methods show basic trainee of manual skills.

2. Theoretical explanation what students trained last practical. Theory of joint play, blockage, muscle spasm -trigger points (TrPs). Method of post isometric relaxation. Investigation soft tissue, myofascial techniques and principal of them. Principle of remedial exercises. Anamnesis and movement anamnesis. By movement analysis in details we obtain information from painful patient what could be origin and clinical problem (i.e. radicuar and pseudoradicuar syndrome). Also there is possible to determinate what distribution we can expect.

3. Evaluation of standing posture by inspection (position of pelvis, low extremities, trunk, scapulas and upper extremities and position of neck and head from 3 aspects. We evaluate imbalance of muscles and weakness of deep muscle stabilizing system (DSS).

4. Functional investigation and functional therapy of pelvis. Blockade of sacro iliacal joints are very often reason for crest pain that there are missing with discopathy.

5. Functional investigation and functional therapy of lumbar spine and thoracic spine. Active motion, passive motion investigation to mobile segment.

6. Functional investigation and functional therapy of thoracic spine and ribs.

7. Functional investigation and functional therapy of cervical spine.

8. Functional investigation and functional therapy of extremities.

9. Remedial exercises for prevention of painful condition of motor system.

10. Soft tissue + final repetition with questions concern understanding of issue of MM. Also writing of credit to index by teacher. Teacher: Assoc. Prof. Vasta Tosnerova, MD, PhD, Accredited national and international teacher of MM Garand of subject MM



Painful conditions of motor system are 2. reason for job disability. There are 70% of cases acting by functional disturbance, i.e., joints (blockage), painful muscle spasm, and reflexive changes in soft tissue and disturbed motor pattern. Subject that solute functional diagnostics and therapy names Myoskeletal, Manual/Musculoskeletal/ Medicine (MM)

MM is interdisciplinary subject respects classical differential diagnosis and acts functional evaluation (investigation of stand position by inspection), analysis of active, passive motion and investigation to mobile segment.- “joint play”. Due to this condition there is applied functional therapy to treat blockage by mobilization, to use muscle relaxation, to use myofascial techniques, to correct posture by remedial exercises.