Prof.P.Boštík, MD, Ph.D.
General Epidemiology. Basic epidemiological terms. Personal and social hygiene - prevention of infectious diseases.
Waste, hazardous waste and communal hygiene. Water - source of infection. Drinkingwater treatment and wastewater treatment.
Blood stream infections. Sepsis.
Infectious diseases in the era of global warming.
Biohazard. Bioterrorisms. Emerging infections in general ( Antrax, Yersinia pestis, Vibrio cholerae, Francisella tularensis,..)
Practical classes
Virology - Viral hepatitis - differential diagnostics. Viral emerging infections (dengue, ebola, marburg fever…) HIV - review. praktikum
Mycology - Epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics and the management of endemic mycoses. praktikum
Parasitology - blood parasites - theory and laboratory diagnostics (malaria, sleeping sickness, microphilaria, , babesia sp.)+ clinical cases. partI. praktikum