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Biologie I

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Professor: prof. PharmDr. Emil Rudolf, Ph.D.

Introduction, modelling in biomedicineProperties of eukaryotic cells in multicellular organismsNucleus- structure and function.

DNA synthesis and expression (transcription and translation)

Biological membranes - structure and function, medical relevance

Cytoskeleton - structure and function, medical relevance

Cell cycle and reproduction, regulation, signalling

Cell stress – pathways and responses

Cell death – types, principles, regulation

Practical courses


Prof. Dr. Emil Rudolf, Ph.D.

Assoc prof. Dr. Věra Králová, Ph.D.

Dr. Kateřina Dvořáková

Introduction to the course, information sources, microscopyRules and requirements of the courseScientific information in biomedicine – biology (types, databases)Introduction to light microscopyMock test – 1st lecture

Microscopy of living cells – split class (group A)Group A - Progress test 1Contrast enhancing microscopies in observation of living cellsGroup B - Fluorescence – e-learning course and Progress test 2 (Moodle)

Microscopy of living cells – split class (group B)Group B - Progress test 1Contrast enhancing microscopies in observation of living cellsGroup A - Fluorescence – e-learning course and Progress test 2 (Moodle)

Cell cultures in biomedicineProgress test 3Cultivation of cells in vitroIntroduction to the tissue culture laboratory

Cellular membranes – fusion and osmosisProgress test 4Osmosis in plant and animal cellsCell fusion

Cell motility – split class (group A)Group A - Progress test 5Cytoplasmic streaming, Flagellar and ciliated motilityGroup B - Cell motility – e-learning course and Progress test 6 (Moodle)

Cell motility – split class (group B)Group B - Progress test 5Cytoplasmic streaming, Flagellar and ciliated motilityGroup A - Cell motility – e-learning course and Progress test 6 (Moodle)

Cell proliferation and its measurementProgress test 7Techniques of cell cycle and proliferation measurementMitotic and proliferation indexes in cultured cells

Cellular stress – split class (group A)Group A - Progress test 8Cultured cells in suspension, vital stainingCell stress and demise in human cellsGroup B - Tests of cytotoxicity in vitro – e-learning course and Progress test 9 (Moodle)

Cellular stress – split class (group B)Group B - Progress test 8Cultured cells in suspension, vital stainingCell stress and demise in human cellsGroup A - Tests of cytotoxicity in vitro – e-learning course and Progress test 9 (Moodle)

Meiosis and genetic recombinationProgress test 10Meiosis and gene linkage analysis- interactive workshopMeiosis in cells of locust


Definice života - organizace živých soustav, modelování v biomedicíně. Buněčná teorie - buňky prokaryontní a eukaryontní, mikroskopické techniky.

Základní stavební prvky buněk, struktura a funkce nukleových kyselin. Jádro, chromozómy - mikrostruktura, makrostruktura.

Syntéza DNA. Realizace genetické informace, transkripce a posttranskripční modifikace.

Buněčné membrány - stavba a funkce, transport látek přes membrány, fúze biomembrán, princip kompartmentace. Endoplazmatické retikulum - stavba a funkce, Golgiho komplex.

Mitochondrie - stavba a funkce, tvorba ATP, chemiosmotická teorie. Cytoskelet (mikrotubuly, mikrofilamenta, střední filamenta.

Reprodukce buněk (mitóza). Pěstování buněk a tkání in vitro, využití v medicíně.

Principy signalizací u prokaryotních a eukaryotních buněk. Stresové odpovědi - buněčná smrt.