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Biochemie II

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Metabolism of Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans.

Lipids. Classification, Structure, Properties, Chemical Reactions. Digestion, Resorption and Transport. Biosynthesis and Degradation of Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids and their Regulation.Biosynthesis and Degradation of Triacylglycerols, Glycerophospholipids, Sphingophospholipids and glycolipids. Metabolism of Lipoproteins. Eicosanoids. (Stoklasová 5 h) 

Metabolism of Terpenoids and Steroids. Metabolism of Cholesterol. Metabolism of Bile Acids and Steroid Hormones. Lipoproteins. Ketogenesis. (Stoklasová 2 h) 

Metabolism of Proteins and Amino Acids. Digestion, Resorption and Transport. Transamination, Oxidative Deamination and Decarboxylation of Amino Acids. Metabolism of  the Carbon Skeleton of Amino Acids. Ammonia Formation and its Removal. (Köhlerová 5 h) 

Plasma Proteins. (Stoklasová 1 h) 

Kidneys in the Relationto non-protein Nitrogen. (Řezáčová 1 h)

Introduction to Immunochemistry. Specific and non-specific Immunity. Coomposition of Antigens. Synthesis of Antibodies. (Stulík 2 h) 

Metabolism of Porphyrins and Bile Pigments. Biosynthesis of Haeme and Haemoglobin and their Catabolism. Jaundice. (Řezáčová 2 h) 

Components of the Blood. Metabolism of Erythrocytes and Endothelium. Haemostasis and Blood Clotting. Porcoagulant and anticoagulant Factors. (Řezáčová 2 h) 

Water and Ions Metabolism. Acid-Base Balance. The Lungs and Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance. Disorders of Acid-Base Balance. Metabolism of Kidneys. (Řezáčová 3 h) 

Metabolism of Muscles. Contractile and Structural Proteins. Mechanism of Muscle Contraction and its Energy Supply. (Mrkvicová 2 h)

Metabolism of Connective Tissue. Metabolism of Collagen and Elastin. Proteoglycans and Glycoproteins. Metabolism of the Skin and Skin Glands Products. (Mrkvicová 2 h)

Metabolism of Bones and Teeth. Process of Mineralization and Bome Remodelling. (Stoklasova 2 h)

Principles of Regulation of Living Systems: Regulation at the Level of the Cell and the Arganism as a whol. Second Messengers, Protein Kinases. (Řezáčová 2 h)

Metabolism of Nerve Tissue. Receptors, imporant Neurotransmitters, their Metabolism. Biochemistry of Vision. (Řezáčová 2 h)

Hormones and their Action. Synthesis, Degradation, Effects: Hormones of Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Thyroideal Gland, Parathyroideal Gland, GIT, Pancreas and Adrenal Medulla. (Koutová 4 h)  

Metabolism of GIT. Formation, Composition and Function of Digestive Juices.  (Stoklasová 2 h) 

Metabilism of Liver.(Řezáčová 1 h) 

The Comparison of the Metabolic Pathways in Liver, Muscles, Adipose Tiissue and CNS. (Stoklasová 2 h) 

Introduction to Xenobiochemistry. Two Phases of Biotransformation. (Hroch 2 h)

Metabolism of Adipose Tissue and its Regulation. (Řezáčová 1 h) 

 Laboratory classes & seminars


Prof. Martin Beránek, Dr., Ph.D.

Prof. Martina Řezáčová, M.D., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Radim Havelek, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Ing. Miloš Hroch, Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Alena Stoklasová, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Renata Köhlerová, Ph.D.Dr. Darja Koutová, Ph.D.

Dr. Alena Mrkvicová, Ph.D.

Dr. Darina Muthná, Ph.D.

Dr. Eva Peterová, Ph.D.

Dr. Martin Uher, Ph.D.

 Seminars Glycosaminoglacans ang Glycoproteins. Test.

Lipoproteins: Digestion, Absorption and Transport of Lipids.  Metabolism of Lipoproteins (chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL). Hyperlipoproteinaemias. Atherosclerosis. Presentations. Minitest.

Lipids: Classification, Structure, Properties. Metabolism of Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids and their Regulation. Meatbolism of Triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids, Sphingophospholipids and Glycolipids. Eicosanoids. Ketone Bodies. Test.

Steroids: Classification, Structure, Properties. Metabolism of Cholesterol, Bile Acids and Steroid Hormones (progesterone, corticoids, androgenes and estrogenes). Test.

Metabolism of Amino Acids I: Proteins - Digestion, Absorption, Transport. Basic Reactions of Amino Acids (Transamination, Oxidative Deamination, Decarboxylation). Formation of Ammonia and its Metabolism, Biosynthesis of Urea.

Metabolism of Amino Acids II: Metabolism of  the Carbon Skeleton of Amino Acids. Hormones and Neurotransmitters Derived from Amino Acids. Test

Complex Carbohydrates and Lipids: Glycoproteins, Proteoglacans, Phospholipids, Glycolipids.Presentation.

Case Reports: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins.

Metabolism of Blood Elements: Metabolism of Erythrocytes.Metabolism of Haem and Haemoglobin. Pathological Haemoglobins. Respiratory Burst. Presentations.

Haemostasis: Formation of Primary Plug. Blood Clotting Cascade. Fibrinolysis, Physiological Anticoagulant Factors. Importance of Eicosanoids. Presentations. Minitest.

Acid-Base Balance: Importance of Buffers. Metabolic and Respiratory Disorders of Acid-Base Balance. Minerals and Water in the Blood, Hormonal Control (ADH, RAS and Mineralocorticoids, Natriuretic Peptides)

Connective Tissue: Metabolism of Connective Tissues. Metabolism of Collagen, Elastin, Proteoglycans and Glycoproteins. Degradation of Extracellular Matrix. Presentation. Minitest.

Muscle: Metabolism of Contractile Tissues. Composition, Mechanism of Muscle Contraction. Energy Sources under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions. Presentations. Minitest.

Bones: Metabolism of Bones and Teeth and their Hormonal Regulation (Parathormone, Calcitonine, Hormone D, FGF 23, Osteocalcin). Composition of Organic and Inorganic Components. Mineralisation and Bone Remodeling. Test.

Regulation: Principles of Regulation of Living Systems. Receptors: Ionotropic. Metabotropic, Receptors with Enzyme Activity, Steroid Receptors. Intracellular Signaling. Presentations. Minitest.

Hormones: Structure and Properties of Hormones of Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Thyroideal Gland, Adrenal Medulla and Pancreas.    

Relationships: Relationship between Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins in some Tissues (Liver, Skeletal Muscles, Adipose Tissue, CNS) and their Regulation. Test.

Adipose Tissue: Metabolism of White and Brown Adipose Tissue and their Hormonal Activity (Leptin, Adiponectin, Resistin). Regulatory Peptides in GIT, ghrelin included. Orexigenic and Anorexigenic Substances. Biochemistry of Vision. Presentation.

Xenobiochemistry: Basic Principles, I. and II. Phases of Biotransformation. Presentations.    

Laboratory classes

Intorduction to the Chemical Methods in Clinical Laboratory.

Processing of Samples.

Glucose Concentration in the Serum.

Lipid Blood Tests.

Protein Concentration in the Serum. Separation of the Serum Proteins by Electrophoresis.

Renal Function Tests: NPN.

Concentration of Bilirubin in the Serum. Presentation.

Concentrations of Calcium and Phosphates in the Serum. Presentation.

Liver Function Tests. Presentation.

 Qualitative Analysis of the Urine. Presentation.            

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The subject Biochemistry II is focused on the following main areas: 1) Metabolism of the basic components of the organism: the topics smoothly follow on from the subject of Biochemistry I, in which the students became familiar with the production of energy in the organism (citrate cycle, electron transport chain, ATP production) and with metabolism of carbohydrates. The focus is on the metabolism of lipids, eicosanoids, steroids and lipoproteins, ketogenesis, the metabolism of proteins and amino acids, the formation of urea and its elimination, the metabolism of porphyrins and bile pigments. 2 ) Metabolism of organs and tissues: After mastering knowledge about the individual metabolic pathways, their presence and importance in organs and tissues are discussed - in the blood and kidneys (water and ion metabolism, acid-base balance, haemostasis and blood coagulation), in the musculoskeletal system (contractile and structural proteins, muscle contraction mechanism, connective tissue metabolism), in the bones, the digestive tract and liver, in fat and nervous tissue. 3) Interrelationships and regulation: Extracellular and intracellular communication, neurohumoral regulation (hormones, neurotransmitters) and interrelationships between organs are described. The basics of xenobiochemistry and immunochemistry are also not neglected.

Study outcomes 1) The student will explain individual metabolic processes, their interconnections and regulation under physiological conditions, which will be useful during the study at different levels in subsequent subjects (physiology, pathological physiology, pharmacology, internal medicine, clinical biochemistry). 2) The student will be able to use the acquired knowledge when solving model case reports. 3) The student will be able to consider the consequences of the imbalance of metabolic processes on the state of health (mainly metabolic diseases). 4) The student will be able to collect and process a biological sample, to manage the basic principles of examination of key analytes and the interpretation of results (at the preclinical level of knowledge).