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Doc. PharmDr. Martin Štěrba, Ph.D.
Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Chládek, Ph.D.
MUDr. Jolana Schreiberová, Ph.D.
PharmDr. Olga Lenčová, Ph.D.
Klinická farmakologie látek hematotropních. Klinicky významné interakce léčiv. (Chládek, 3)
Klinické aspekty léčby analgetiky a antibiotiky. (Schreiberová, 3)
Nežádoucí a toxické účinky léčiv. Léčiva v těhotenství a laktaci. (Štěrba, 3)
Lékové formy a zásady racionální preskripce léčiv. (Lenčová, 3)
Praktická cvičení a semináře
PharmDr. Olga Lenčová, Ph.D. 1. Preskripce vybraných skupin léčiv.1.1. Písemný test z preskripce (součást zápočtu) a zápočet.
The teaching of Clinical Pharmacology in Dentistry is focused on clinical aspects of pharmacotherapeutic complications and safety of the pharmacological treatments. In addition, clinically important information on use of drugs in selected indications with direct relationship to dentistry will be discussed.
In particular, special attention will be devoted to clinical aspects of adverse effects, drug interactions and pharmacotherapy in pregnancy and lactation. Furthermore, the clinical pharmacology of drugs used in pain management, altered hemostasis and infections will be discussed with the emphasize to their use or relevance to dentistry practice. Furthermore, the students will receive basic information about drug dosage forms and rational prescription of drugs.
Practical teaching will be focused on rational drug prescription and basics of prescription writing.
Entry requirements: prerequisites: {Zubní lékařství 3. ročník}
Outcomes (subject Clinical Pharmacology): 1. Students will acquire theoretical knowledge of clinical aspects of pharmacotherapeutic complications and about safety and efficacy of drug treatments in specific populations of patients. 2. Students will acquire theoretical information about clinical use of drugs in selected indications with direct relationship to the dentistry practice 3. The students will acquire theoretical information about dosage forms and practical skills in rational prescription and basics of prescription writing.