Theory of errors absolute error, relative error, gross error, systematic errors, random errors, mean value, standard deviation of mena value, graphical processing of measurement results
Measurement of some physical quantities
Mass measurement – mass, weight, equal –arm balances, spring and torsion balances, tensometric balances
Density measurement - pycnometric method of measurement of solutions and solids, hydrometer, immersion body method
Viscosity measurement - viscosity, Newton´s law of viscosity, capillary viscometers, Hagen-Poiseuille´s equation, body viscometer, Stoke´s law, Höppler´s viscometer, rotational and torsion viscometers
Calorimetric measurements - heat, specific heat capacity, law of conversation of energy, electric calorimeter, heat capacity of calorimeter
Refractometry - Snell's law, absolute refractive index, critical Angle, Abbe´s refractometer
Polarimetry - linearly polarized light, optical activity of substances, angle of optical rotation, circle polarimeter
Spectrophotometry - Lambert´s law, Lambert´s - Beer law, absorptivity, absorption spectrum, calibration curve, spectrophotometer
The Matter
The forms of the matter – substance and field
Force interaction– 4 kinds of basic force interactions and energy of a particle in a force field
Particles– photons, leptons, mesons, baryons, and a dual character
Atom – atomic nucleus and shell (orbitals, quantum numbers)
Physical-chemical properties of molecules and their structure – strong and weak chemical interactions
Biopolymers and their structure
Dispersion system and its properties
Biological membranes and transport across membranes
Biomembrane - fluid mosaic model, function, lipid bilayer - composition and structure, micelles and liposomes - structute and importance
Membrane transport - passive transport (diffusion, osmosis), Donnan´s equilibrium, active transport (group translocation, transport via membrane vesicles, transport via specific transporters)
Free Radicals
Matter - atom structure, subatomic particles, quantum numbers, the four fundamental forces of nature, energy of particles
Free radicals – the formation of free radicals, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and the characterization of the most important representatives, the reaction of free radicals with biomolecules (lipids, proteins and DNA), Oxidative stress, Fenton´s reaction for copper and iron
Fluid mechanics, basics of rheology and mechanics of body fluid flow
Liquid dynamics - liquids classification, flow of fluids, basic equations for ideal and Newtonian fluids - continuity equation, Bernoulli equation, Navier-Stokes equation, viscosity, Newton Law of viscosity, Hagen-Poiseuille´s law, Stoke´s law
Basics of rheology - importance, rheological classification of bodies, viscoeleasticity, rheological axioms, elementary rheological bodies and rheological models, rheological diagrams- creep curves
Body fluid flow - heart and circulatory system, cardiac cycle, quantification of heart activity, blood and blood pressure, hydromechanical laws important for the description of flow and pressure conditions in the bloodstream
Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The physical principle – the physical properties of ultrasound, transverse and longitudinal waves, acoustic impedance, the generation of echoes, intensity decrease of echoes
The imaging – A-scan, B-scan, piezoelectric and magnestrictive transducers, Motion Mode, TRSU and IVUS
Doppler shift – characterization of Doppler shift, its application in medicine (Doppler shift formula), CW and PW flowmeter, PW methods (CDI, SDR, CDE)
Ultrasound therapy – biological effects, therapy application, ATDD
MRI - magnetic properties of nucleus, electromagnetic impulse, T1 and T2 time, TR, the principle of the resonance generation, weighted images, image reconstruction principle, MRA, FMRI, MRI application
Radioactivity – radioactivity definitions and characterization, activity (quantity) and physical half-time, atomic number, mass number; isotopes, isobars, isotones and isomers definitions
Rays – alpha, beta and gamma radiation and their characterization
Interactions – the interaction of radiation with either atom shell or atom nucleus
Optics and Biophysics of Vision
Optics - spectrum and properties of electromagnetic radiation, light propagation - refraction and reflection of light, light diffraction and polarization, quantum optics
Biophysics of vision - optical system of an eye, near and distant point, accommodation range, visual acuity, retinal structure, mechanism of function of rode cells and cone cells, refractive defects of the eye
Ionizing Radiation – Biological Effects and the Application in Medicine
Dosimetry – the basic dosimetry quantities
Radiobiological effects – 4-step radiobiological effect and its pathological effects on cells and tissue/organ, cell cycle, direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation, stochastic versus deterministic effects (ARS and CRS)
Radiotherapy – sealed and open sources, Irradiators – i) gamma radiation sources, ii) particle accelerators
Radiodiagnosis – 3D scintigraphy (PET and SPECT)
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Temperature, properties of gases (ideal gas, real gases), pressure, Boyle’s law, Charles ’s law, ideal gas law, heat, work, compression of ideal gas, Carnot cycle
X-rays – the physical properties, X-ray tube, types of X-ray radiation, the interaction of X-ray with the matter, fluoroscopy and radiography, contrast agents
Computed Tomography – the description of the principle of the method, voxel, Hounsfield units
Acoustics and biophysics of hearing
Acoustics - acoustic waves, acoustic wave equation - harmonic movement, waves interference, wave velocity, wave energy, sound intensity, acoustic spectra, physiological acoustics - sound height, volume
Hearing Biophysics - structure and function of an ear, hearing mechanism, audiometry
Practical trainings
Density measurement
Viscosity measurement
Heat measurement - calorimetry
Light Refraction Measurement - refractometry
Measurement of optical rotation - polarimetry
Measurement of light absorption - spectrophotometry
Biometric measurements
Biophysics of vision
Effect of molecular size on diffusion rate
Biophysics provides physical basis of selected biological and physiological processes. The aim of this subject is to give students necessary theoretical knowledge, as well as to teach them the basics of laboratory practice including demonstration of a correct way of experimental procedure, making them familiar with the general laboratory instrumentation and learning them the basics of research methodology. All of this is done in the accordance with the requirements of related subjects and pharmaceutical practices. Biophysics affords an optimal theoretical and experimental basis for students´ education at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University across all parts of their studies.
Topics: basics of error theory, measurement of some physical quantities, matter, biomembranes and transport of substances across them, free radicals, mechanics of fluids and biomechanics of the circulation of the blood, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, radioactivity, optics and biophysics of vision, ionizing radiation – biological effects and the application, thermodynamics, X-ray and computed tomography, acoustics and biophysics of hearing.