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Religion Law

Class at Faculty of Law |


In the last few decades, Confession Law has established itself in a number of countries as an independent branch of Secular Law. It is concerned with national and international regulations concerning the protection of religious denominations and the status of religious organisations (churches and religious organisations). It is developed not only in secular states of a coordination type, but its standards are of interest to scientists in separation states.

The introduction deals with the relationship of Confession Law to other branches of Secular Law and to Ecclesiastical Law, which assists Confession Law in defining some terms unknown in Secular Law. A close relationship between Confession Law, Administrative Law and Constitutional Law is a factor worth mentioning in this respect.

Teaching about how Czech state regulations secure both the individual and collective freedom of worship forms part of the subject. This topic includes the former administrative procedure of the recognition of churches by the state as well as the present-day administrative procedure of their registration. Attention is paid to the legal status of individual churches and religious organisations, unions of churches, bodies of state cult administration and the League for the Promotion of Religion).

The subject also deals with the question of the securing of proprietary rights for churches, records of religious legal entities, models of funding religious institutions, and their current status in the Czech Republic.

In relation to questions of educational administration, the legal status of the religious educational system of all levels, religious education in all schools, and the theological educational system are covered.

Questions of the securing of freedom of worship, and the participation of churches in special public facilities are dealt with particularly in connection with legal questions relating to religious services in the armed forces, prisons, social services and health care institutions, as well as the legal status of social services institutions and hospitals.

One chapter is devoted to the employment and social rights of church workers and members of monastic orders. Other chapters deal with the criminal protection of freedom of worship and religious denomination, the seal of the confession, legal protection to freedom of information in the mass media regarding matters of religious denomination, and alternate forms of entering into marriage. In the chapter on the freedom of worship of parents and children the question of the upbringing of children and their church membership is addressed..

In its final part, the subject discusses Czech and Central European Concordat Law and provides a survey of the most important foreign confession regulations.

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Zabývá se vnitrostátní a mezinárodní úpravou svobody víry a náboženství jednotlivců a náboženských společenství, jejich registrací a evidováním odvozených právnických osob a právní úpravou působení náboženských společenství ve výchovných zařízeních, ozbrojených silách, vězeňství, zdravotnictví a dalších oblastech veřejného života.

Absolvování tohoto předmětu je podmínkou přiznání specializačního modulu Církevní právo.