02. Procesní právo (prameny, povaha norem, vývoj)
03. Právo na spravedlivý proces
04. Odvětvové principy civilního procesu
05. Organizace soudů, postavení soudců.
06. Civilní pravomoc a příslušnost soudu
07. Další instituce justičního systému
08. Účastníci řízení
09.. Procesní úkony, včetně žaloby
10. Procesní zastoupení
11. Předběžná řízení a předběžná opatření
\r\n12. Procesní podmínky
Přesný rozpis přednášek pro semestr, kdy se předmět vyučuje, najdete níže.
Rozpis přednášek se může od sylabu lišit vzhledem k potřebě reagovat na aktuální otázky právní teorie a praxe.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nAn obligatory subject aiming to prepare students for the corresponding part of the state final exam in private law.
\r\nThe aim of the subject ‘Civil Procedure‘ is to introduce the fundamentals of civil procedural law within the purview of the Code of Civil Procedure. At the end of this course students will be able to: understand basic concepts and institutions of civil procedural law and explain them in the historical context; use the information about the concepts and institutions of civil procedural law to solve concrete procedural situations; independently draft some pleadings; make reasonable suggestions on how to solve procedural situations; apply rules of procedural law to concrete procedural situations; interpret procedural regulations in line with judicial practice.
\r\nCivil Procedure and Civil Proceedings - sources of law and literature, the concept of civil procedure and civil proceedings, development and importance of civil procedural law, procedural principles; Types of Civil Proceedings - features of particular types of civil proceedings, differentiation of proceedings; Persons and Entities involved in Civil Proceedings - characteristics of the subject of civil proceedings, jurisdiction and competence of courts; Parties to Civil Proceedings - participants in proceedings, legal capacity to be a participant in civil proceedings, capacity to appear in the court, joinder of parties, interpleader, right of action, appearance; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - institution of legal proceedings and its effects, conditions of the proceedings, action and the right to take action; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - preparing for a trial, trial, stay in and discontinuance of proceedings, summary proceedings; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - differentiation between adversary and non-adversary proceedings; Evidence - concept and the subject of evidence, burden of proof, means of evidence; Judicial Decision - types of judicial decisions, format of judicial decisions and their essentials, legal force and possibility to enforce a decision; Costs of Proceedings; Remedial Measures and the Systems of Remedial Measures; Execution Proceedings (General Part); Execution Proceedings (Special Part)
","inLanguage":"en"}]}An obligatory subject aiming to prepare students for the corresponding part of the state final exam in private law.
The aim of the subject ‘Civil Procedure‘ is to introduce the fundamentals of civil procedural law within the purview of the Code of Civil Procedure. At the end of this course students will be able to: understand basic concepts and institutions of civil procedural law and explain them in the historical context; use the information about the concepts and institutions of civil procedural law to solve concrete procedural situations; independently draft some pleadings; make reasonable suggestions on how to solve procedural situations; apply rules of procedural law to concrete procedural situations; interpret procedural regulations in line with judicial practice.
Civil Procedure and Civil Proceedings - sources of law and literature, the concept of civil procedure and civil proceedings, development and importance of civil procedural law, procedural principles; Types of Civil Proceedings - features of particular types of civil proceedings, differentiation of proceedings; Persons and Entities involved in Civil Proceedings - characteristics of the subject of civil proceedings, jurisdiction and competence of courts; Parties to Civil Proceedings - participants in proceedings, legal capacity to be a participant in civil proceedings, capacity to appear in the court, joinder of parties, interpleader, right of action, appearance; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - institution of legal proceedings and its effects, conditions of the proceedings, action and the right to take action; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - preparing for a trial, trial, stay in and discontinuance of proceedings, summary proceedings; Judicial Proceedings at the Court of First Instance - differentiation between adversary and non-adversary proceedings; Evidence - concept and the subject of evidence, burden of proof, means of evidence; Judicial Decision - types of judicial decisions, format of judicial decisions and their essentials, legal force and possibility to enforce a decision; Costs of Proceedings; Remedial Measures and the Systems of Remedial Measures; Execution Proceedings (General Part); Execution Proceedings (Special Part)
Povinný předmět pro přípravu studentů k vykonání odpovídající části státní zkoušky z občanského práva. V předmětu občanské právo procesní I tvoří těžiště výkladu obecné otázky procesního práva (pojem a druhy procesu, prameny procesního práva, zásady, subjekty, procesní úkony).