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Harmonization of Law within the European Union

Class at Faculty of Law |


The subject (9th semester) resumes the course of Basics of EU Law (5th and 6th semester). The purpose of its inclusion into the curriculum is to introduce students to European foundations of the transformation of the Czech legal system. This is the reason why the attention is paid mainly on the creation of the harmonized rules of EC law, its enforcement in Member States through the principle of direct effect, through the principle of priority, the state’s responsibility for defective transposition of directives, etc., including the issues of unification of EC law interpretation as applied by national courts. Upon this background the situation of the Czech Republic is presented, as that of a state, which is bound by the European Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and negotiates the accession to the EU. Consequently, a focus of reading is based upon issues concerning the implementation of the obligations related to the assumption of EC/EU Law and on the process of ensuring the enforcement even after future accession.

The subject thus also resumes various branches of good law, especially when the content of a theoretical-methodological kind is implemented with the examples and with reference to individual and practical-content examples. A precondition of participation in these elective lectures is a mastering of the bases of appropriate legal branches and an interest in deepening its “European dimension” - besides a national as well as an international-contractual dimension. Under the conditions of a (EU) non-Member State this subject serves as a complementary implementation of a traditionally approached legal education and so arrives closer to the approach that predominates at EU Member State universities.

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Předmět se věnuje problematice unijních směrnic - hlavního nástroje harmonizace právních úprav v členských státech EU, a problematice unijních nařízení – hlavního nástroje unifikace právních úprav v členských státech EU. Oběma těmto nástrojům se věnuje jak z pohledu jejich charakteristiky, struktury a výkladu, tak z pohledu jejich transpozice, implementace, aplikace i účinků v ČR.