In case it is necessary to adapt the course to distance learning method, all materials and assignments (and assignment instructions) will be uploaded to Moodle each week, and students will be required to submit all writing assignments and homework exercises to Moodle each week, as instructed. For this reason, please regularly check Moodle to stay informed about assignments and deadlines. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Texts Covered
Letters a) Letter informing of legal services available; b) Letter of advice in a legal dispute; c) Letter to opposing counsel in a legal dispute;
Case brief
Writing a synopsis of the important points of a case
Research and analysis of a legal problem
Lease Agreement - explaining contractual terms
Week 1 (October 7)
Writing a letter to a potential client informing of legal services (Company Law context) Writing Focus: structuring letters, paragraphing Language Focus: present perfect verb tense, word choiceWriting Assignment 1: Write a professional letter to the potential client described in the handout distributed in class, incorporating all notes made by the supervising attorney (maximum 350 words).Week 2 (October 14)Writing a letter of legal advice to a client (Civil Law context) Writing Focus: describing steps to be taken, polite requests Language Focus: assessment of liabilityWriting Assignment 2: Write a letter of advice to the client described in the handout distributed in class (maximum 400 words).
Week 3 (October 21)
Understanding and explaining fundamental contract vocabulary and phrases (Property Law context)
Writing Focus: clear and understandable writing
Language Focus: contracts vocabulary
In-class Writing Exercise: summarising lease contract provisions
Week 4 (November 4)
Writing a case brief (Criminal Law context)
Writing Focus: succinct summarising, using precise language
Language Focus: case vocabulary
Writing Assignment 3 - Write a case brief for the judgment of the Supreme Court distributed in class:
(1) identify the parties to the action; (2) summarise succinctly and clearly the facts giving rise to the legal controversy; (3) state the precise legal issue(s) presented by the facts; (4) summarise the reasoning the court used to reach its decision (this will be the longest section); and (5) state the principle of law established by the case. The audience for your case brief is your colleague (a lawyer) who needs a brief, accurate, and complete summary of the case as he works on a similar case. (maximum 600 words)
Week 5 (November 11)
Explaining statutory requirements to a client (Administrative Law context)
Writing Focus: organisation of lists/conditions
Language Focus: making a polite refusal
In-Class Writing Exercise: letter to a client on a conflict-of-interests
Week 6 (November 18)
Writing a research memorandum (Employment Law context)
Writing Focus: organisation of long documents, references and citations
Language Focus: framing the issues
Writing Assignment 4: Write a research memorandum to your boss addressing the legal issues described in the handout distributed in class. (maximum 1000 words)
Week 7 (November 25)
Formal writing – describing a complex legal doctrine or institute (Family Law context)
(Letter to opposing counsel – part one)
Writing Focus: structuring complex ideas
Language Focus: word order
In-Class Writing Exercise: description of a family law issue
Week 8 (December 2)
Letter to opposing counsel
Writing Focus: adversarial writing
Language Focus: differences in tone
Writing Assignment 5: Write a letter to the opposing lawyer based on the instructions in the handout distributed in class.
Week 9 (December 9)
Guest Lecture on creating written submissions before international tribunals and courts.
Předmět je určen studentům 3., 4. a 5. ročníku s DOBROU znalostí angličtiny, kteří si chtějí zdokonalit své dovednosti v psaném anglickém právnickém jazyce.
Cílem předmětu je seznámit studenty se základními postupy, které podmiňují dobrou úroveň jejich písemného projevu v právních oblastech.
Studenti si tak mohou uvědomit, jak se obsah a forma písemného projevu vzájemně podmiňují a jakými jazykovými a formálními prostředky lze jasně a srozumitelně sdělit zamýšlený obsah jak (právně) poučenému tak nepoučenému příjemci informace (písemná komunikace právník-právník a právník-klient laik).