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European Constitutionalism

Class at Faculty of Law |


European Constitutionalism

"Human Rights, Equality and Personal Dignity in EU Constitutional Order" 3. 4. 2023 12:00. Prof. Saša Gajin, University Union in Belgrade

The System of Human Rights 4. 4. 2023 12:00 Prof. Saša Gajin, University Union in Belgrade

The Notion of Discrimination in the European and Comparative Law 5. 4. 2023

Prof. Moritz Jesse, Leiden University. 12:00 Equal Treatment and Nationality in the EU: A look at the Four Freedoms and EU Citizenship 18. 4. 2023 14:00. Prof. Darinka Piqani, Leiden University

The Role of the Court(s) on the Constitutionalization of the EU Legal Order: Direct Effect, Primacy, and the Emergence of Fundamental Rights 19. 4. 2023 12:00. Prof. Darinka Piqani, Leiden University

The Implications of EU Constitutionalization and the EU Economic Constitution for the Member States


The traditional Western model of democracy, division of powers and the rule of law is going through a crisis that has a major impact on the current state and future prospect of European integration. Political dialogue at national and EU level faces major challenges, which in turn leads to questioning of the meaning of European integration itself. The course responds to the situation described above and provides students and academics with a unique opportunity to learn what the concept of European constitutionalism means, what its development was and what its current and future perspectives are. Attention will also be paid to particular topics such as the structure of the division of power in the EU, the importance of the protection of human rights for the constitutionality of the EU or the role of the EU in the protection of the division of power and the rule of law in member states. The course will provide space for reflection on questions such as: Are we on the verge of a fundamental threat to the democratic form of government, the rule of law and human rights? What is the nature of the threat in question? What is the systemic interaction between these internal developments in Member State and EU policies? What are the prospects for maintaining a material-value democratic dialogue?

The course is organized in cooperation with leading international scholars. Due to the participation of foreign teachers, the course is organized in the form of block lessons that will take place from April 3 to Aprial 19 in form of seminars (for the individual terms see syllabus; note: the proposed timetable may undergo marginal changes due to the participation of foreign teachers – students will be informed in time by e-mail). Due to the block nature of the lessons, the students will be officially excused from regular seminar lessons.