- It is strongly recommended that students have finished their second year study obligations before their internship starts.
- The internship must be a professional internship in the fields of economics and finance.
- The internship has to be approved by the IES in advance. The IES representative verifies the proficiency by checking the employment contract. In the case there is no employment contract, which may occur when doing an unpaid internship, the other confirmation of proficiency is needed.
- The duration of the internship is at least 200 working hours.
- The IES receives the confirmation after finishing about the length of the internship.
What to do when you want to receive the credits for an internship?
- Enroll on the course JEB134 – Internship
- Send a copy of your working agreement with a clearly defined working position and the scope of employment to the career coordinator. The agreement can be sent either scanned via e-mail, or in a paper version – to the mail box of the career coordinator at the IES (Eliška Šerhantová). If there is missing information in the working agreement or the absent agreement (this might happen in the case of unpaid internships) the document with the position description must be subsequently added by the provider of the internship.
- After finishing the internship the employer sends the information to the career coordinator containing the confirmation that the student has passed the internship in the length of 200 hours at minimum. The confirmation (written by the supervisor of the trainee or by the HR department) can be sent by email or it can be delivered to the mail box at the IES.
- You are entitled to receive the credits also when successfully participating in CFA Challenge Competition. The students will receive the credit when reaching third, second or the first place in the national round of the competition.
The Bachelor students can earn 3 ECTS credits for an internship. The course is open only for students of the Bachelor programs, students of the Master programs cannot register for the course. For the successful completion of the internship and to be awarded credit, the following rules apply:- It is strongly recommended that students have finished their second year study obligations before their internship starts.- The internship must be a professional internship in the fields of economics and finance.- The internship has to be approved by the IES in advance. The IES representative verifies the proficiency by checking the employment contract. In the case there is no employment contract, which may occur when doing an unpaid internship, the other confirmation of proficiency is needed.- The duration of the internship is at least 200 working hours.- The IES receives the confirmation after finishing about the length of the internship.
What to do when you want to receive the credits for an internship?- Enroll on the course JEB134 – Internship- Send a copy of your working agreement with a clearly defined working position and the scope of employment to the career coordinator. The agreement can be sent either scanned via e-mail, or in a paper version – to the mail box of the career coordinator at the IES (Eliška Šerhantová). If there is missing information in the working agreement or the absent agreement (this might happen in the case of unpaid internships) the document with the position description must be subsequently added by the provider of the internship.- After finishing the internship the employer sends the information to the career coordinator containing the confirmation that the student has passed the internship in the length of 200 hours at minimum. The confirmation (written by the supervisor of the trainee or by the HR department) can be sent by email or it can be delivered to the mail box at the IES.- You are entitled to receive the credits also when successfully participating in CFA Challenge Competition. The students will receive the credit when reaching third, second or the first place in the national round of the competition.
Cílem odborné stáže je získat praktický vhled do aktuálních ekonomických a finančních procesů, které souvisejí s látkou probíranou v programu. Dalším cílem je prohloubit odborné dovednosti oceňované budoucími zaměstnavateli. Stáž si vybírá student třemi způsoby: (i) z nabídky stáží připravené kariérním poradcem programu, obsahující stáže v soukromém i veřejném sektoru, (ii) z nabídky Erasmus+ praktických mobilit, (iii) z vlastní iniciativy. Za pracovní stáž se počítá i účast v odborné finanční soutěži CFA Institute Research Challenge, v jejímž rámci se dlouhodobě oceňuje firma působící na místním trhu. Kariérní poradce kontroluje a schvaluje odbornou náplň stáže a její přímou souvislost s programem, typicky formou kontroly pracovní smlouvy obsahující popis pracovní pozice stážisty. Dále kariérní poradce uděluje kredity na základě potvrzení zaměstnavatele o odpracování stáže.
Studenti se do předmětu mohou zapsat až když mají ukončený první ročník studia. Obecně doporučujeme stáž až ve třetím ročníku.