4-day course:
Compact course will be taught on September 25, 26 ,27th and 29th 2023, room 016, 9-15 h.
Version control, Git, Github (+ setup)
Repository - staging area, commits, status, log
Collaborating and Workflows - fetch, pull, push, pull-request
Project workflow
Rebasing, LFS, etc.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the version control and provide hands-on experience with Git. Git is free and open source distributed version control system designed projects of every scale, i.e. solo developers/researchers to large software/research projects. It is programming-language agnostic, thus providing added value for all students no matter their coding background.
For more detailed, lecture-by-lecture contents, please see the course's Syllabus below.
Materials: https://martinhronec.github.io/JEM224/