Brief overview of lectures and seminars
1) Definitions of broadcasting systems, description of dual system consisting of private and public broadcating. Regulatory bodies for broadcasting. Different formats of radio and television broadcasting services (programs), their history and changes.
2) The beginnings of radio broadcasting in the United States, the commercialization of American broadcasting in the years 1920-1934, regulation of radio broadcasting in the U.S. (FCC as regulator of the communications in the U.S.), contemporary radio broadcasting in the U.S., the popularity of different types of radio station formats. Focus on spoken words (or news and current affairs stations).
3) History of public broadcasting in the USA, Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) - an umbrella organization for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio ( NPR).
4) The beginnings of television broadcasting in the United States of America, history of major US television networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX), brief overview of UIS television market (cable, satellite, thematic channels)
5) The beginnings of radio broadcasting in the UK, broadcasting law (Broadcasting Act) in Great Britain, the emergence and transformation of the BBC broadcaster in 1926, respectively. at 1 January 1927, changes in activity and position of the BBC, the BBC today, the BBC program structure - and in the field of radio and television broadcasts, regular updates of the Royal Charter and the Treaty with the Government of the BBC production, regulation of audiovisual media in the UK - the regulator OFCOM, private radio Broadcasting in Great Britain.
6) Television broadcasting in the UK - public service broadcasting (BBC), and private TV broadcasting (ITV, Sky Digital, etc.). Special status of ITV stations and CH4. Position of Sky Digital on Tv market, debates onthe future of public service broadcasting at the OFCOM website.
7) The beginnings of radio and television broadcasting in Germany, a special federal arrangement of broadcasting responsibilities resulted in plurality of public broadcasters. State Treaties on Broadcasting, structure, operation and financing of public service media (ARD, ZDF), The main private radio and television broadcasters in germany (RTL, SAT1, etc.).
8) Radio broadcasting in France, focusing on public service broadcasting (Radio France), France Info - News Radio range of public services, regulation of audiovisual media in France, CSA - the position and role of the regulator, private radio broadcasters in France (RTL, Europe 1, etc. .).
9) Television broadcasting in France, the position of public service broadcasting (France 2, 3, 4, 5) and private stations (TF1,Canal+, M6 etc). Role of the state in regulating and funding broadcast media.
10) Radio and television broadcasting in other European countries. Brief history of arrival of commerial TV broadcasting into Italy. Present duopoly of public service (RAI) and private (Mediasetz/Berlusconi) broadcasting in Italy. The main channels and networks, current trends on the market (digitalization, satellite servce Sky Italia etc.)
11) Television and radio broadcasts in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia),what they have in common and what is different. E.g. different newsradio and TV channels (Radio ZET, TA3, TVN24, TV Hír etc.) Development of audiovisual media in the Slovak Republic after the breakup of Czechoslovakia.
12) Final discussion on selected issues of contemporary news radio stations (BBC Five Live, BBC Radio 4, France Info, etc.), the occurrence of various genres in the all-news formats, changes in radio journalism in the world.
13) Final discussion of selected contemporary problems in the world of television (digitization), analysis of television news (CNN, Fox News, BBC News, Sky News, N-TV, etc.), the occurrence of various genres in television news broadcasts, television changes journalism in the world.
Brief overview of lectures and seminars
1) Definitions of broadcasting systems, description of dual system consisting of private and public broadcating. Regulatory bodies for broadcasting. Different formats of radio and television broadcasting services (programs), their history and changes.2) The beginnings of radio broadcasting in the United States, the commercialization of American broadcasting in the years 1920-1934, regulation of radio broadcasting in the U.S. (FCC as regulator of the communications in the U.S.), contemporary radio broadcasting in the U.S., the popularity of different types of radio station formats. Focus on spoken words (or news and current affairs stations).3) History of public broadcasting in the USA, Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) - an umbrella organization for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio ( NPR).4) The beginnings of television broadcasting in the United States of America, history of major US television networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX), brief overview of UIS television market (cable, satellite, thematic channels)5) The beginnings of radio broadcasting in the UK, broadcasting law (Broadcasting Act) in Great Britain, the emergence and transformation of the BBC broadcaster in 1926, respectively. at 1 January 1927, changes in activity and position of the BBC, the BBC today, the BBC program structure - and in the field of radio and television broadcasts, regular updates of the Royal Charter and the Treaty with the Government of the BBC production, regulation of audiovisual media in the UK - the regulator OFCOM, private radio Broadcasting in Great Britain.6) Television broadcasting in the UK - public service broadcasting (BBC), and private TV broadcasting (ITV, Sky Digital, etc.). Special status of ITV stations and CH4. Position of Sky Digital on Tv market, debates onthe future of public service broadcasting at the OFCOM website.7) The beginnings of radio and television broadcasting in Germany, a special federal arrangement of broadcasting responsibilities resulted in plurality of public broadcasters. State Treaties on Broadcasting, structure, operation and financing of public service media (ARD, ZDF), The main private radio and television broadcasters in germany (RTL, SAT1, etc.).8) Radio broadcasting in France, focusing on public service broadcasting (Radio France), France Info - News Radio range of public services, regulation of audiovisual media in France, CSA - the position and role of the regulator, private radio broadcasters in France (RTL, Europe 1, etc. .).9) Television broadcasting in France, the position of public service broadcasting (France 2, 3, 4,
5) and private stations (TF1,Canal+, M6 etc). Role of the state in regulating and funding broadcast media.10) Radio and television broadcasting in other European countries. Brief history of arrival of commerial TV broadcasting into Italy. Present duopoly of public service (RAI) and private (Mediasetz/Berlusconi) broadcasting in Italy. The main channels and networks, current trends on the market (digitalization, satellite servce Sky Italia etc.)11) Television and radio broadcasts in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia),what they have in common and what is different. E.g. different newsradio and TV channels (Radio ZET, TA3, TVN24, TV Hír etc.) Development of audiovisual media in the Slovak Republic after the breakup of Czechoslovakia.12) Final discussion on selected issues of contemporary news radio stations (BBC Five Live, BBC Radio 4, France Info, etc.), the occurrence of various genres in the all-news formats, changes in radio journalism in the world.13) Final discussion of selected contemporary problems in the world of television (digitization), analysis of television news (CNN, Fox News, BBC News, Sky News, N-TV, etc.), the occurrence of various genres in television news broadcasts, television changes journalism in the world.
Radio and Television in the World will introduce students into the systems of audiovisual and new media in selected countries (US, GB, Germany, France, Italy, Poland etc.) with emphasis on journalistic content of the media.