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History of Advertising I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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V přednášce se studenti seznámí s právními, hospodářskými a technickými podmínkami rozvoje reklamy v českých zemích. Získají informace o běžných reklamních nástrojích, o politických souvislostech a využití uměleckých prostředků v obchodní propagaci uvedeného období.


This subject offers the students of Journalism or Media Studies information about conditions and development of Czech advertising in the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. Czech advertising will be pursued in the context of European advertising.

First part of the course (winter semester) will deal with advertising from the beginning to WWI. It will focus mainly on juridical and technical conditions of rise and development of this phenomenon.

It will also deal with political, artistic and historical context of its development. Second part (summer semester) will deal with the issue in the period after WWI up to WWII.

Apart from the above mentioned aspects for this period is characteristic of increasing participation of professional associations and state institutions, their influence on development of advertising and also increased amount of technical resources, which were used for broadcasting (film, radio). Special attention will be dedicated to the relation between advertising and sports.

When dealing with the period of WWII, we will focus on the relation between commercially propagandistic and ideologically political aspects of advertising. This two-semester course presents the raise and exposures of modern Czech commercial propagation from its "legalisation" by trade regulations in 1859 till the end of the WWI in 1918 and in the years of the first Czechoslovak republic in 1918-1938.

The explanation deals with common trends as well as with Czech specifics of advertising influence.