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Basics of Scientific Work

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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1.             3. 10.          Seznámení, úvod do kurzu, plán, úkoly

Teoretická část – Ulrike Notarp

The theoretical part of the course will be held in English 2.             10. 10.        Presentation of the most important thought traditions in the philosophy and history of science and their importance for social and communication sciences 3.             17. 10.        Positivism - Empirismus in social and communication sciences 4.             24. 10.        Hermeneutics - Interpretive approaches in social and communication sciences 5.             31.10.         Dialectics - Dialectic thinking in the social sciences 6.             7.11.           Constructivism       Postmodernism          Critical theory

Aplikačně orientovaná metodická část – Martin Soukup 7.             14. 11.        Data se nesbírají, ale tvoří 8.             21.11.         Technika etnografie     9.             28. 11.       Reflexivita jako součást vědecké práce        10.            5. 12.        Objektivita výsledků a napsaného 11.          12. 12.        Komunikace vědy (zvaný host) 12.          29. 12.        Otázky, komentáře, závěrečné shrnutí


The course comprises a theoretical and application-oriented practical part. We ask what science means today, what tasks the sciences perform in modern society.

The theoretical part gives a brief introduction to the philosophy of science. We learn about different traditions of scientific thinking, namely positivism, hermeneutics, dialectics and critical theory.

Which research interests and methods are at the center of each tradition and what goals do they pursue in the context of culture and communication studies? We further deal with the general process of scientific discovery in communication and media studies.