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Čínština II

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Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Sylabus

The planned content of the term:

Note: Teaching pace will respect the students' learning pace,  final exam content will follow the content of the material studied before the term ends.  

Week 1

L6 – review and suggestions

Making comments and suggestions

Polite refusals

Sentences with a verbal predicate   

Week 2


Meeting someone for the first time

Talking about one's major


Indicator of a short and quick action

Questions with 呢

Adverbs 也 and 都  

Week 3


Talking about family, occupation and university

还 for introducing additional remarks

Conjunction 和

Adverb 太

Numbers, questions with 几 and 多少

Sentences with 有   

Week 4


Making an appointment

Asking about someone's age and birthplace

Celebrating someone's birthday

Date and days of the week

A phrase 祝你 。。。 to extend one's good wishes

Expression 是吗?

Adverb 多   

Week 5


Likes and dislikes

Solving language problems

Shopping, asking the price of something, Chinese currency

Asking how one should do something, the phrase 怎么 + VP

Demonstrative pronouns 这 and 那 as attr.

Prepositional phrases, 给, 送  

Week 6


Asking about time, telling the time


Permission or prohibition

Optative verbs

Neg. connotiation of 哪里

还 expressing continuation  

Week 7


Health expressing what one wants or needs

Sentences with a subject-predicate phrase as predicate

Alternative questions

Sentences with optative verbs – second instance: 要,想,愿意

Week 8


Renting asking for suggestions

Phone calls


Particle 了 – first instance

Pivotal sentences

Optative verbs - third instance: 能, 会

Week 9


Complaints and apologies

Passing someone’s regards

Holiday greetings

Suggestions and invitation 4 Chinese sentence patterns

Common questions

Week 10

NPCR 2: L15

Saying hello confirmation of past events

Commenting actions

Changing money

Describing a visited place

The complement of state

Preposition 从

Adverb 就 – first instance

Particle 了 – second instance: completion and realization

Verb reduplication

Numerals from 100  

Week 11

NPCR 2: L16

Making new friends

Leaving and returning

Filling out forms

Borrowing and returning books

Simple directional complement

Time-measure complement

The 把sentence

Adverb 就 – second instance

Pronoun 自己

上 /下 -referrence to the order of things  

Week 12

NPCR 2: L17*

Describing  and comparing things

Buying clothes

Verbs of movement with time measure complement

Expressing extent/degree

Combined usage of the first and second instance of particle 了

The 的 phrase – first instance

Using the preposition 比 for comparison

Complement of quantity  

*Upon request a REVIEW LESSON is possible INSTEAD of a new lesson.  

Week 13


-written part

-oral part

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

This continuation of the course Chinese I will acquaint students with both linguistic knowledge and communication skills in Mandarin Chinese and cultivate their interests in Chinese culture.