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French Foundation Course I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Teaching will take place according to the individual "unités" of the textbook Édito A1 0 Bienvenue ! 1 Et vous 2 On va où ? 3 Qu´est-ce qu´on mange ?  

You can find materials from each class in a shared folder on Google Drive: (L. Bosáková)  on in Moodle: (M. Dundrová) 

Students will learn to introduce themselves and their families, provide basic information about themselves and ask the basic information about another person, orient themselves in time and space, be able to find one’s way in public transport, shops, restaurants or cafés.

These basic communication topics of everyday life are connected with grammar (articles, noms, verbes réguliers et irréguliers au présent ;  interrogation, adjectifs démonstratifs, pronom "en", nombres, expressions de quantité).

In all "unités", emphasis is placed on thorough practice and mastery of pronunciation rules from individual sounds to rhythmic and sentence units (ascending and descending cadence, rules of binding - "liaison").


The course is intended for all Bachelor's and Master's degree students who intend to start studying French and thus expand their language skills with another world language. Students of Bachelor's degree programmes will be given precedence in the course enrollment.