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Introduction to geography I

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Introduction, course requirements, concept of geography, territoriality, political geography, human geography, physical geography, sovereign state

History of geography, first maps, map projections, Jerusalem as center of the world, map orientation, administrative maps, military maps, navigation maps,

Czech Republic

History of geography II., first geopolitical concepts, classical geopolitics, imperialism, nation state, Ratzel, MacKinder, Mahan

Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Austria

History of geography III. Cold War, bipolar world, domino theory, Third World, critical geography, O Tuathail, Wallerstein - world system, center, periphery

Germany, France

Current geopolitical situation, realistic school, military expenditures, military bases

Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece

Current geopolitical situation II, liberal institutionalism, strategic locations, disputed territories

Great Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Benelux

Geography of personal space, architecture, states of former Yugoslavia

Urbanism, geography of modern city, slums, satellite villages, Paris, Brasília

Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic States, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria

Demographic aspects of geography - population growth, urbanization, population density


Racial and ethnic minorities, struggles for independence

Central Asia, Transcaucasian states

Main migration routes, border regimes, global tourism

Turkey, Iran, Middle East I.

Geography of main religious groups, conflict of civilizations?

Turkey, Iran, Middle East II.


The course Introduction to geography I. has two principle objectives - first, to introduce general theoretical approaches regarding the relationship between territoriality and political, social and historical developments. Second, to apply these concepts in specific locations and highlight the spatial aspects of political and social controversies.