1. Introduction; Territory of German speaking countries viewed from today2.
Territorial changes of/in German speaking countries until 19183. Territorial changes of/in German speaking countries after 19184.
Historical development of the society and economy on the territory of German speaking countries5. Administrative organization of German speaking countries, federalism, state administration6.
Economy of German speaking countries I (current development, employment, agriculture)7. Economy of German speaking countries II (industry, services, international )8.
Transport infrastructure of German speaking countries9. Energetics and energy security of German speaking countries trade10.
Population of German speaking countries and settlement structure11. Migration and integration of immigrants12.
Tourism, culture, education (13. Summary)
The course will introduce students to the historical, political and socio-economic geography of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It aims to follow development of the respective territory, society and economy with regard to aspects of space and time.
Reliable orientation on various maps of German speaking countries and ability to find and interpret informations, including maps and statistical data is necessary.