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Geostrategic Importance of Central Europe

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Subject Matter and Readings

General Introductory Reading:

T.Garton Ash : The uses of Adversity: Essays on the Fate of Central Europe

New York, 1989.

J.Rupnik : The Other Europe, London, 1988

Briska & Pastor, ed.: Geopolitical Importance of Central Europe.

J.Zielonka: Security in Central Europe Adeplhi Paper # 172

Geography and History - What or where is Central Europe? The Hapsburg Empire as major buffer zone. 1918. Effects of nationalism, discontinuity and democratic deficits.

E.H.Carr :Twenty years crisis

E. Geller : Nations and Nationalism

C.Lord, ed.: Central Europe - Core or Periphery?

The Cold War : East - West confrontation in Central Europe. Soviet motives - buffer zone politics linked to ideoligical rationalization. The Western response - containment. Economic factors.

J.L. Gaddis: The US and the Origins of the Cold War, New York 1972

V.Mastny . Russia´s Road to the Cold War, New York 1978

The Lands Between: East - West confrontation in Central Europe. Soviet motives - buffer zone politics linked to ideological rationalization.The Western response - contaiment. Economic faktors.

J.L.Gaddis: The US and the Origins of the Cold War, New York 1972

V.Mastny : Russia ´s Road to the Cold War, New york 1978

The Lands Between : German (Prussian) and Russian Interests an Pressures.

Cordell & Wolf : Germany´s Foreign Policy toward Poland and Czech Repulic,

London 2005

Antonenko & Pinnick, eds : Russia and EU, London 2004

K.Longhurst : Germany and the use of force : German security and policy 1900 - 2003.

H.Gardner : Dangerous Crossroads : Europe, Russia and the Future of NATO 1989 and After : The end of bipolarity - new security systems. NATO enlargement - pros and cons. The EU dimension and Shengen. Is this Europe´s eastern frontier :

L.Freedman : Europe Transformed (useful for documents on the end of the Cold War)

Lansford & Tashev, eds: Old Europe, New Europe and the US Aldershot 205

J.Simon : Poland and NATO, Lanham 2004

NATO and the Czech and Slovak Republics

Hungary and NATO

R.Asmus :Opening NATO´s Door, New York 2002

The special position of the Baltic States : Historical background.

Soviet ambitions and Russian fears.

K. Spohr Readman : Germany and the Baltic Problem after The Cold War, London 2004

Fairlie & Serqounin : Are Borders Barriers ? (Kaliningrad), Helsinki 2001

Arsnwald & Jopp : The Implications of Baltic EU Membership, Helsinki 2001

Current Challenged and Recent Crises : Globalization, immigration and asylum policy. Coping with international crime.

Central Europe in relation to the Middle East. Raw material dependency.

Notes on library resources :

Most of the books listed are avaible either in the Masaryk Library in Jinonice or in the library of the Institute of International Relations, at Nerudova 3, on Malá Strana.

Additional reading lists, details of journal articles and web sites will be made avaible as the course proceeds.

(NOTE: The IIR library is not a lending library Students can use it on production of an Index, but the materials must be read there.)

Exam: essay + oral exam

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Course Outline

This series of lectures will be conducted in English. It will examine the political and military role of Central Europe in relation to the changing pattern on global security. In the past, this region has been a meeting place of interacting cultures, a buffer zone between contending powers and springboard for aggressive expansion. In many ways, the core of Central Europe has been victim rather than a driving force of international politics. What is its position today and what part, if any, can it play in the overall scheme euroatlantic security?

Requirements and Assessment

Fluency in English is an absolute prerequisite. The course carries 3 credits and grades will be awarded on the basis of an essay (about 8-10 pages): class participation will be taken into account.