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Economie appliquée des organisations: le protocole et les usages en France

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Nazev: The protocol and manners in France

Vyucujici: Benoît Chatard PhD

Kredity : 6

Ukonceni .. Présence 1/3 et Examen oral 2/3 Presence 1/3 and oral Exam 2/3

Appointement by mail (

Content: 1 - The person 11 - Education in politeness; 12 - Rules of correspondence; 13 - Know how to receive people and to be received. 2 - Organizations 21 - Precedence in France; 22 - Honors and differentiations; 23 - Public formalities. 3 - Diplomacy 31 - The diplomatic protocol; 32 - Precedence; 33 - Specific rules of politeness.

Study visits contribute to the above-mentioned education.

Tento text není v aktuálním jazyce dostupný. Zobrazuje se verze "en".Anotace

This lecture introduces the rules of politeness and manners in France. The students will be progressively instructed to solve practical cases.

Pro tento dotaz bohužel nemáme k dispozici žádné další výsledky.