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Ethnic Issues and Territories in Eastern, East Central and Southeastern Europe

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1. Introduction (2 October

2018)2. Baltic area (9 October

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 19-72.Presentation:a) Comparative Russian Minorities in Estonia and Latvia (Ryan DAY)b) Polish minority in Lithuaniac) National autonomy in the Baltics between 1918-1940

3. Belarus (16 October

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 176-180, 197-204, 225-237Presentation:a) Polish minority in Belarusb) Language issue in Belarus (Emylie BOBBI)c) National identity in Belarus4. Ukraine (23 October

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 175-264.Presentation:a) Language issue in Ukraineb) Regional factor and national identity (Paul SCHÖPPL)c) Minorities in Ukraine

5. Poland (6 November 2018

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 74-97, 112-126, 137-146.Presentation:a) German minority in Polandb) Past and present of Jews in Poland (Claudia MITRICA)c) Ukrainians in Poland6. Czecho-Slovakia (30 October

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 98-107, 127-133, 147-159.Presentation:a) German minority in Czech Republicb) Polish minority in Teschen Silesiac) Hungarian minority in Slovakia (Ana HERRAN)7. Hungary (13 November

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 266-275, 289-294, 310-314.Presentation:a) Roma issueb) Hungarian diaspora abroadc) Hungary and refugees (Ricardo LUNA)8. Romania & Moldova (20 November

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 276-282, 295-305, 315-323.Presentation:a) Moldovan identity of Transnistria (Carly CAHILL)b) Hungarian minority and Szeklers in Transylvaniac) Romanian German heritage9. Bulgaria (27 November

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 353-356, 368-370, 414-420.Presentation:a) Turkish questionb) Pomaksc) Greek heritage (Robertson CLAY)10. Yugoslavia to 1945 (4 December

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 339-352, 362-367, 377-413.Presentation:a) Illyrism and Yugoslavismb) Italian heritage in Dalmatian areac) 1918-1989: unitarian state and federation compared (Kathryn DORSEY)

11. Yugoslavia after 1945 and post-Yugoslav states (11 December

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 339-352, 362-367, 377-413.a) Serbo-Croatian cultural and language unity (Alina LEPEKHINA)b) Macedonian questionc) National cohabitation in B&H12. Albania & Kosovo (18 December

2018)Required reading: Eberhardt Piotr_Ethnic Groups and Population Changes in Twentieth-Century Central-Eastern Europe. Armonk-London 2003, pp. 356-7, 370-1, 420-423.Presentation:a) Albanian minority in Serbia (Uygar Öztaş)b) Kosovo: Kosovars or Albanians?c) Albanian diaspora in the world PowerPoint presentation, time 20 minutes!Presentation topics to be selected during the first class, presentation should be sent Sunday before the class to!!!

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The course explains basic schemes of development of modern nations and their identities including minority issue in East-Central and South-Eastern Europe with respect to its territorial context and with the use of data collected in censuses since the end of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century.