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The US and Europe after the Cold War

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Requirements and evaluation :

Class attendance and active participation in discussions (10% of the final evaluation), 10 pages long seminary paper on one of the topics listed bellow - due to the end of the last teaching week in the semester (40% of the final evaluation), 2-3 short seminary papers based on recommended reading and assigned during the semester (30%) and the final exam (20% of the final evaluation).

Academic Fraud

Any use of quoted texts in seminary papers and theses must be acknowledged. Such use must meet the following conditions: 1) the beginning and the end of quoted passage must be shown by quotation marks 2) when quoting from books and periodicals, the name(s) of author(s), book or article titles, the year of publication, and page from which the passage is quoted must all be stated in the footnotes or endnotes 3) internet sourcing must include a full web address whwre the text can be found as well as the date the web page was visited by the author.

In case the use of any texts other than those written by the author is established without proper acknowledgement as defined above, the paper or thesis will be deemed plagiarized and handed over to the Disciplinary Commission of the Faculty of Social Sciences.  


This course will explain the key principles of American foreign and security policy in Europe. The students will learn about the importance and meaning of the NATO alliance for both the West and East Europe during and after the Cold War.  The basic functions and principles of defense of a democratic state will be introduced in the context of the new security challenges of the post-bipolar world.  

Program: 1)       Cold War 2)       Principles of nuclear deterrence-WMD-strategic offensive (assault) weapons 3)       Strategic defensive weapons-strategic balance of power-SDI and missile defense 4)       Military alliances during the Cold War 5)       The US role in Europe during the Cold War-transatlantic security space 6)       End of the Cold War 7)       New security architecture in Europe-search for security guarantees for the Central and the East Europe 8)       NATO reform 9)       NATO enlargement and transformation of the alliance 10)    NATO and Russia 11)    Function and meaning of NATO 12)    Old and New NATO-on a route to growing asymmetry? 13)    US role in Europe after the end of the cold war



This course will explain the key principles of American foreign and security policy in Europe. The students will learn about the importance and meaning of the NATO alliance for both the West and East Europe during and after the Cold War. The basic functions and principles of defense of a democratic state will be introduced in the context of the new security challenges of the post-bipolar world.