SELECTION TOPICS which will be covered: 15.2. Introduction to the course 22.2.How China Sees America and How America Sees China, Traumas of Tiananmen
Henry Kissinger, On China, Chapter 1
Mike Pompeo, The United States and the China Competition, Feb 8, 2020. 1.3. Visions of China Challenge and Bush Administration
Zheng Bijian, „China’s „Peaceful Rise“ to Great-Power Status,“ Foreign Affairs, September/October 2005
David Shambaugh, „A New China Requires a New U.S. Strategy,“ Current History, September 2010. 8.3. U.S. and China’s Rise - Obama and China
Hillary Clinton, „America’s Pacific Century,“ Foreign Policy (November 2011), available online.
Randall L. Schweller, Xiayu Pu, “After Unipolarity: China´s Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline,” International Security, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Summer 2011): pp. 41-72. 15.3. China´s Foreign Policy Making - Actors and Schools of Thoughts
David M. Lampton, How China is Ruled: Why It´s Getting Harder for Beijing to Govern, Foreign Affairs (Jan-Feb 2014), p. 74-84. 22.3. China´s New Security Concept, China ´s Military
Robert D. Kaplan: The Geography of Chinese Power. How Far Can Beijing Reach on Land and at Sea. Foreign Affairs May-June 2010.
Executive Summary: Annual Report on the Military and Security Development of China’s Military 2019 ( 29.3. Going to War over Taiwan? Recent Developments in Cross-Strait Relations
John Mearsheimer, Say Goodbye to Taiwan, National Interest,
David Pillig, US Cannot Sacrifice Taiwan to Court the Chinese, Financial Times 5.4. no class - Easter 12.4. US v. China in Near Neighborhood: South China Sea - case study
Robert D. Kaplan, “China´s Carribean,” In Asia´s Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific (Random House, 2014), pp.32-50. 19.4. China´s Domestic Challenges
Elizabeth Economy, China's Imperial President, Foreign Affairs, 2014 26.4. China-U.S. economic/trade relations/Trump’s trade war
Elisabeth Economy, “The G-2 Mirage“, Foreign Affairs 88, no. 3 (May/June 2009): 14-23. 3.5. China´s Rise: Challenge to America Globally?
John Williamson, „Is the Beijing Consensus Now Dominant?” Asia Policy, January 2012.
Robert D. Blackwill and Ashley J. Tellis, Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China, Council on Foreign Relations, March 2015. 10.5. China’s soft power and COVID, China’s tools of building of influence
The purpose of this course is to look into one of the most important contemporary bilateral relationships - relations between the PRC and the U.S. Within the scope of the course we will analyze key issues that influence the Beijing-Washington relationship – from strategic considerations and international roles played by both actors to economic cooperation and the issue of human rights.
We will also look at some of the domestic factors that are instrumental in shaping the bilateral relationship. The dynamics of Sino-American relations will be illustrated by several case studies (Taiwan, South China Sea, etc.).