3. 25/10 Politics: from the French Revolution to the 21st century (part 2)
4. 15/11 Politics: from the French Revolution to the 21st century (part 3)
5. 22/11 Social history and societal transformation
6. 29/11 Republican Commemoration's model, the shaping of a French Identity?
7. 6/11 France and Europe
8. 13/12 Art and literature
9 20/12 Final Exam
Literature suggestions:
DEBORD Guy, La société du spectacle, Paris: Gallimard, 1992.
\r\nGAUCHET, Marcel. La condition politique. Paris: Gallimard, c2005.
\r\nNOIRIEL, Gérard. Atlas de l'immigration en France: exclusion, intégration--. Paris: Autrement, 2002.
\r\nNORA Pierre, The realm of Memory: Rethinking the French Past, New York: Columbia University, 1996.
\r\nPÉCOUT, Gilles. Atlas de l'histoire de France. Paris: Autrement, 2007.
\r\nPLANHOL, Xavier de. An historical geography of France. Digitally printed 1st pbk. version. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
\r\nRÉMOND, René. Quand l'État se mêle de l'histoire. Paris: Stock, c2006.
\r\nRÉMOND, René, Religion and Society in Modern Europe, Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.
\r\nSCHNAPPER Dominique, La condition juive en France, la tentation de l'entre-soi, Paris: PUF, 2009.
\r\nSCHNAPPER Dominique, Katharina von BÜLOW, Horst MÖLLER a Timothy GARTON ASH. Identité et mémoire. Paris: CulturesFrance, 2008. Penser l'Europe.
\r\nSCHNAPPER Dominique, La démocratie providentielle, essai sur l'égalité contemporaine, Paris: Gallimard, 2002.
\r\nGIRLING, J. L. S.. London, France Political and social Change, New York: Routledge, 1998.
\r\nVAN DE MIEROOP,Kenan \"The ‘age of commemoration’ as a narrative construct: a critique of the discourse on the contemporary crisis of memory in France\", Rethinking History, 2016 20:2, 172-191,
Contemporary French culture and politics
Venue room 11:00-12/15, room 2018 Jinonice
(Nota: due to COVID-19 epidemic context, the lesson might be taught in distance learning form during the winter semester)
Organized in 10 sessions, the lesson will explore social, cultural and political issues in contemporary France. 1. 4/10 Introduction 2. 18/10 Politics: From the French Revolution to the 21st century (part1) 3. 25/10 Politics: from the French Revolution to the 21st century (part 2) 4. 15/11 Politics: from the French Revolution to the 21st century (part 3) 5. 22/11 Social history and societal transformation 6. 29/11 Republican Commemoration's model, the shaping of a French Identity? 7. 6/11 France and Europe 8. 13/12 Art and literature 9 20/12 Final Exam
Literature suggestions:
DEBORD Guy, La société du spectacle, Paris: Gallimard, 1992.
GAUCHET, Marcel. La condition politique. Paris: Gallimard, c2005.
NOIRIEL, Gérard. Atlas de l'immigration en France: exclusion, intégration--. Paris: Autrement, 2002.
NORA Pierre, The realm of Memory: Rethinking the French Past, New York: Columbia University, 1996.
PÉCOUT, Gilles. Atlas de l'histoire de France. Paris: Autrement, 2007.
PLANHOL, Xavier de. An historical geography of France. Digitally printed 1st pbk. version. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
RÉMOND, René. Quand l'État se mêle de l'histoire. Paris: Stock, c2006.
RÉMOND, René, Religion and Society in Modern Europe, Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.
SCHNAPPER Dominique, La condition juive en France, la tentation de l'entre-soi, Paris: PUF, 2009.
SCHNAPPER Dominique, Katharina von BÜLOW, Horst MÖLLER a Timothy GARTON ASH. Identité et mémoire. Paris: CulturesFrance, 2008. Penser l'Europe.
SCHNAPPER Dominique, La démocratie providentielle, essai sur l'égalité contemporaine, Paris: Gallimard, 2002.
GIRLING, J. L. S.. London, France Political and social Change, New York: Routledge, 1998.
VAN DE MIEROOP,Kenan "The ‘age of commemoration’ as a narrative construct: a critique of the discourse on the contemporary crisis of memory in France", Rethinking History, 2016 20:2, 172-191,
the lesson explores the social, cultural and political issues in contemporary France.