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British Liberalism in a European context

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |



Charles University, Prague  

Summer Term 2016  

Course Lecturer: Dr Alan Butt Philip (University of Bath)  

Lecture and Seminar times:

Session 1:

Wednesday March 8th (12:30-13:50 and 15:30-16.50);

Thursday March 9th (9:00-11:30 and 13:30-16:00)    

Session 2:

Wednesday April 6th (12:30-13:50 and 15:30-16.50)

Thursday April 7th (9:00-11:30 and 13:30-16:00)  

Location: Rytířská 31, Room 201     6 ECTS  

Requirements 1)      Essay 1.800 words (choose one among several topics proposed by the lecturer). To be sent to  by 31 May 2016 (80 per cent of overall mark) 2)      Class attendance and active participation in seminars (20 per cent).      


Session 1  

Class 1: Wednesday 9 March, 12:30 - 13.50  

Lecture 1: The origins of the Liberal tradition in the UK.    

Class 2: Wednesday 9 March, 15:30 - 16:50  

Lecture 2: The formation of the Liberal Party  

Seminar 1: Church and State: British Liberalism compared with other European Liberals    

Class 3: Thursday 10 March, 9:00 - 11:30  

            Lecture 3: John Stuart Mill and social liberalism  

            Seminar 2: Free Trade and Ireland  

Seminar 3: Liberalism, Nationalism and Internationalism                                

Class 4: Thursday 10 March, 13:30 - 16.00  

Lecture 4:  Liberals and Labour  

Seminar 4:  Keynes, Lloyd George and the New Liberalism                                        

Session 2    

Class 5: Wednesday 6 April, 12:30 - 13.50  

Lecture 5: The Liberal Party after 1945    

Class 6: Wednesday 6 April, 15:30 - 16:50  

Seminar 5: William Beveridge and the Welfare State      

Class 7: Thursday 7 April, 9:00 -1 1.30  

Lecture 6: Liberals and Social Democrats from 1980 to 2010  

Seminar 6: Post-1945 Liberals and European integration    

Class 6: Thursday 7 April, 13:30 - 16:00  

Lecture 7:  Liberal Democrats in Coalition and afterwards  

Seminar 7: What did the Liberal Democrats achieve in government? Can they survive?  

Seminar 8: The debacle over Tuition fees    


For any questions feel free to contact the course administrator at FSV, Jan Váška (IMS, Department of European Studies), at


This course introduces key figures and ideas of liberalism throughout British history and their impact on current British political debate. The course is deliver by a guest professor and will take place as a block seminar.