Imperial Nations and Subject Peoples: Czechs in the Austrian Empire and After (17th - 21st ct)
Course supervisor: David L. Robbins, PhD
Instructors: Mgr. Marcela Janíčková, prof. David L. Robbins, PhD, Blanka Maderová, PhD
Recommended number of ECTS credits: 6
Grading procedure:
- midterm: 40% of the final grade
- final exam: 40% of the final grade
- presentation: 20% of the final grade
- make-up exams are possible
Two absences are permitted. If you are absent more times, you will be asked to write a paper to make up for the class(es) missed.
Session 1 Introduction
Session 2 Lecture: Enlightenment in theory
Session 3 Enlightenment in practice: reforms under Maria Teresa and Joseph II
Session 4 Romanticism as a backlash against Enlightenment
Session 5 Birth of Nationalism; its growth during the Napoleonic wars
Session 6 Czech national revival and its phases: development of language, synthesis of the Czech cultural tradition including the history of the Czechs, creation of works that institutionalized Czech culture and formed Czech identity.
Weaknesses of the Czech national revival and gradual self-critique
Session 7 Springtime of Nations in the German Confederation – consequences of German unification movement on the relations between Bohemian Czechs and Bohemian Germans.