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Culture and Politics in Europe

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course structure:     7/10            Introduction

                      Methodology and methods, assignments 14/10               Defining culture and cultural diversity: the institutionnal, artistic and anthropological views 21/10            Cultural map of Europe   28/10             No class                    4/11               Art systems and cultural policies/diplomacies in Europe   11/11             Guest lecture (Tomáš Petříček, forme MFA, Czech republic)                     18/11            Guest lecture: Jewish culture in Central Europe (Irena Kalhousová, Hertzl Center, Prague) 25/11            Guest lecture (Maxine David, Leiden University) 2/12              Václav Havel´s legacy for Europe 9/12              Václav Havel library Visit and discussion 16/12            Final class debate


The master course Culture and politics in Europe will introduce basic concepts and analyze trends that have shaped the relationship between culture and politics in Europe after 1945 on the domestic and foreign policy levels. Students will study academic journals, book chapters and primary documents related to the fields of European identity, cultural policy, cultural diplomacy and cultural roots of European integration.