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4/10                 Introduction  (Eliška Tomalová)   11/10               Current Populism in Europe (Martin Mejstřík)

Kriesi, Hanspeter. 2014. "The Populist Challenge". West European Politics 37:2, 361-378.   18/10               Social and Demographic Changes in Europe Since You Were Born (Jan Váška)

(1) Requena M., „The Secularization of Spanish Society: Change in Religious Practice“, South European Society and Politics, 10:3 (2005), 369-390

(2) Field C., „Another Window on British Secularization: Public Attitudes to Church and Clergy since the 1960s, Contemporary British History 28:2 (2014), 190-218   25/10               European Soft Power, EU Cultural Diplomacy and Branding (Eliška Tomalová)

NIELSEN, Kristian L.; VILSON, Maili. The Eastern Partnership: Soft Power Strategy or Policy Failure, European Foreign Affairs Review. 2014 Special, Vol.    19, p243-262. 20p.   1/11                 Guest lecture: The Trojan Rabbit: The EU, Strategic Autonomy, and Transatlantic Relations (Sven Biscop)

Reading:   8/11                 EU and South Caucasus (Pikria Asanashvili, Tbilisi State University)   15/11           Climate and Water Diplomacy in the EU context (Eliška Tomalová)   22/11               Russia in the Liberal World Order (Maxine David, Leiden University)   29/11               The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Brexit and post-Brexit scenarios (Ivo Šlosarčík)   6/12                 Key Economic Challenges in the EU (Pamela Cotte)   13/12               European-African Relations: Role of Spain and Portugal (Barbora Menclová)

Robinson, S. Painting the CFSP in national colours: Portuguese strategies to help shape the EU`s external relations. International Journal of Iberian Studies. Jun2015, Vol. 28 Issue 2/3, p235-255.  

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The master course Current challenges in Europe was especially designed for the European Politics and Society – Václav Havel Joint Master Programme and is a part of obligatory EPS courses. It consists mainly of guest lectures delivered by guest lecturers from Partner universities, Charles University academics, Associated partners representatives and experts giving the students a multidimensional perspective (academic and non-academic) on current challenges Europe and European Union have been recently facing.