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United States Relations with Latin America in the Trump Era

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Contemporary Issues in Relations Between Latin America and the Caribbean  and the United States  

Professor Richard E. Feinberg

Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Spring, 2018  

Tuesday, April 24: U.S. Interests in Latin America; Latin American Options

Richard Feinberg et al, Better than You Think: Reframing Inter-American Relations (Brookings Institution Policy Paper, 2015).

Roberto Russell and Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, “Beyond Orthodoxy: Asserting Latin America’s New Strategic Options Toward the United States,” Latin American Politics and Society, 53, 4, 2011.

Discussion questions

-          What are the sources of national interests?

-          What is the relationship between U.S. global and regional interests?

-          How successful has the U.S. been in advancing its interests in the Americas?

-          In what ways has DJT challenged traditional definitions of U.S. national interests and what might be the impact on inter-American relations?  

Thursday, April 26: The Collective Defense of Democracy; Dealing with Radical States

Inter-American Democracy Charter, available at

OAS Sec. Gen. Luis Almagro, “The Challenges of Democacy and Human Rights in the Americas,” April 7, 2017.

International Crisis Group, “Venezuela: Hunger by Default,” 2017,

Oliver Stuenkel and Andreas Feldmann,“The Unchecked Demise of Nicaraguan Democracy,” 

Discussion questions on democracy promotion

-          What levers does the international community, and the United States, have to promote democracy?  What is an optimal mix of bilateral and multilateral strategies?

-          What roles can international organizations (OAS, UN) and sub-regional organizations (ALBA, Rio Group, CELAC) play?

-          Consider the tensions between democracy promotion and national sovereignty.

-          Be ready to offer cases of successes and failures of democracy promotion.  

Discussion questions on Venezuela

-          What factors accounted for the rise of Chavismo, and for the implosion of populism?

-          Why has the international community been so impotent?

-          Did ALBA serve Venezuelan foreign policy goals?

-          Posit strategies for the U.S., OAS/UN, and the Lima Group.  

Discussion questions on Nicaragua

-          What were the causes of the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979?

-          What strategies did the U.S. and other regional nations employ in the run-up to the 1979 revolution?

-          How has Ortega been able to consider his power since 2006?

-          What can the international community do to promote democracy/HR?  

Monday, April 30: Mexico; Counter-narcotics

Shannon K. O’Neil, “The Mexican Standoff: Trump and the Art of the Workaround,” Foreign Affairs, September/October 2017.

Discussion Questions on Mexico

-          Has NAFTA served Mexican and US interests?

-          Are US and Mexican interests regarding border security, immigration aligned or divergent?

-          What are Mexico’s options for responding to DJT?  

Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall, “Four Decades and Counting: The Continued Failure of the War on Drugs,” Cato Institute, 2017:

Discussion Questions on Counter-narcotics

-          What are the best metrics for measuring “progress” in counter-narcotics?

-          What explains the persistence of obviously failed public policies?

-          What strategies have produced the best results?

-          What are long-term solutions?

-          What impact will marijuana legalization in US states have?  

Wednesday, May 2: Brazil; China

Matias Spektor, “Five Goals for Brazil’s Foreign Policy,” October, 2016:

Discussion questions on Brazil

-          Why has Brazil struggled for establish its leadership status?

-          Which domestic reforms are required for Brazil to realize its foreign policy aspirations?

-          Is a strong Brazil in the interests of its neighbors? Of the United States?  

Atlantic Council, Chinese FDI in Latin America,

Discussion questions on China

-          What we do know about China’s short and long-term goals in Latin America?

-          Can we see an evolution of Chinese rhetoric and actions in Latin America?

-          Which Chinese policies are congruent with Latin American interests, which are not?

-          Can/Should Latin America present unified positions vis a vis China?

-          Is China a “threat” to U.S. interests in Latin America?

Friday, May 4: Cuba

Richard Feinberg, Cuba’s Economy After Raul Castro: A Tale of Three Worlds (Brookings Institution Policy Brief, 2018).

Discussion questions

-          Was confrontation inevitable between the U.S. and the Cuban revolution?

-          What were the major initiatives of the Obama administration and how have they been amended by DJT?

-          What at the linkages between U.S. policies and internal economic and political developments in Cuba?

-          What next?