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Israel’s Foreign Policy

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Lecturer: Dr. Irena Kalhousová


Classes: Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:30

Room: #B329, Jinonice Campus

Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30-10:45, Available in person (C622, Jinonice Campus), or via Zoom. Please, book your slot via

Reading and Online Assignments in Moodle.

Moodle Link:

Course Description:

Israel's Foreign Policy is a comprehensive course that explores the evolution of Israel's foreign relations from its founding in 1948 to the present day. This course looks at how Israel’s foreign relations emerged from Israel’s Jewish origins and history, geographic location, and its relations with countries in the region, as well as with superpowers. Furthermore, the course examines how does trauma, a lack of security, and Israel’s quest for regional recognition influence the country’s foreign policy positions. In its first part, the course reviews the evolution of Israel’s foreign policy. It looks at how past events, domestic environment, and security challenges inform the formation of Israel’s foreign policy. In the second part, the course focuses on the evolution of Israel’s foreign policy towards several actors in the international arena, including the Middle Eastern countries, the EU, the USA, India, and Russia. Furthermore, the course focuses on topical issues like Israel’s relations with the Jewish diaspora in Europe and the US, and more.

The course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of the complexities of Israel's foreign policy and the various factors that shape its decisions and actions on the international stage. Students will analyze historical events and contemporary issues through a combination of lectures, readings, class discussions, and written assignments. The course is intended for students who are interested in the Middle East, international relations, and foreign policy. No prior knowledge of the region or the subject is required, but students should have a strong foundation in historical analysis, critical thinking, and writing skills.