I. Úvod. Metodologie. \"President-centered\" nebo \"Presidency-centered\"? Prezident jako \"director of change\" a prezident jako \"facilitator of change\".
II. Vytváření prezidentského úřadu. Rozsah článku II. ústavy USA. Úřad viceprezidenta. První dáma.
III. Jak vládne prezident? Osobnostní předpoklady pro výkon funkce. Organizace a styl práce, vztahy s poradci a s byrokratickým aparátem.
IV. Prezident a veřejnost.
V. Prezident a média.
VI. Prezident jako hlava exekutivy.
VII. Prezident a kongres.
VIII. Prezident a soudnictví.
IX. Tvorba domácí politiky.
X. Tvorba zahraniční a obranné politiky.
XI. Úskalí současného prezidentství v USA. Shrnutí kursu.
XII. Zápočtový test.
I. Introduction. Methodology. President-centered or Presidency-centered? President as a \"director of change\" a president as a \"facilitator of change\".
II. The making of presidential office. The scope of article II of the U.S. Constitution.
III. How the president governs? Personal prerequisites for the office. Organization and style of work, relation with the aides and bureaucracy.
IV. President and the public.
V. President and the media.
VI. Prezident as the head of executive branch.
VII. President and the Congress.
VIII. President a the Judiciary.
IX. Domestic Policy-making..
X. Foreign Policy-making..
XI. Challenges of contemporary presidency.
XII. Final test.
I. Introduction.
Methodology. President-centered or Presidency-centered? President as a "director of change" a president as a "facilitator of change". II.
The making of presidential office. The scope of article II of the U.S.
Constitution. III. How the president governs? Personal prerequisites for the office.
Organization and style of work, relation with the aides and bureaucracy. IV.
President and the public. V. President and the media.
VI. Prezident as the head of executive branch. VII.
President and the Congress. VIII.
President a the Judiciary. IX. Domestic Policy-making..
X. Foreign Policy-making..
XI. Challenges of contemporary presidency.
XII. Final test.
The course is focused on the personality and office of the U.S. president. It analyses the relation of the president to the all branches of power, i.e. executive, legislative, and judicial powers, as well as the relation to the public and the media.
Attention is paid to the mechanisms of domestic and foreign policy-making.