I. lectures
1. Introduction (definitions, terms, 21st-century power transfer and diffusion, state vs. non-state threats, geopolitical threats and their perceptions, threats forecast)
2. Geopolitics in theories (after the Cold War) and eras of geopolitics
3. Geopolitics of flashpoint and restive regions
4. Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in 21st century
5. Geopolitics of rising regional hegemons (the US and the world, China and Asia, Turkey and the Middle East, Russia and EU´s disintegration)
6. Geopolitics of resources and resource conflicts (crude oil, natural gas, water) II. Seminars
7. Seminar - Migration a) Theories of migration, teichopolitics b) Main global migration flows, refugee camps around the world c) Migration and security
8. Seminar - Narcotics a) Resources and conflicts, greed and grievance b) Drug trade, geopolitics and security in Latin America c) Drug trade, geopolitics and security in South and South-East Asia
9. Seminar - Weapons of mass destruction a) WMDs - types and risks b) WMDs and states - M.A.D., usefulness and limits c) WMDs and non-state actors - usefulness and limits
10. Seminar - Energy a) Energy security, sources of energy, green transition b) Risks to exporters - case of Russia c) Risks to importers - case of EU
11. Seminar - Terrorism a) Definition and historical development b) Religious terrorism c) Other forms of terrorism, state terrorism (?)
12. Seminar - China a) Great power competition, Thukydides Trap b) China and economic tools of power c) China and military and cultural tools of power
Kurz představuje současné hrzoby spojené s duální transformací moci 21.století. Transice moci od státu k nestátním aktérům a přesun geopolitického a geoekonomického těži ště moci ze Západu do prostoru Indického oceánu.
Porozumění podstatě těchto procesů i hrozeb je s nimi spojen a klíčem k celkovému porozumění současného světa.