Classes are on Fridays, commencing on October 1st, 2021. Lectures 9.30 - 10.50, seminars 11.00 - 12.20.
The lectures and seminars will be taught in a hybrid form, i.e. a combination of on-site (room 314) lectures and seminars with Zoom sessions will be used. If you fall ill during the semester or if the epidemic-related regulation becomes stricter again, you will have access to the recording and online sessions. All registered students will receive invitations to the Zoom sessions by email via the SIS. Alternatively, feel free to contact the lecturer for an invitation to the online session.
Office hours of V. Semerak: currently online by appointment.
More detailed information, as well as handouts, data files or additional materials for the lectures and seminars, will be gradually published via the Moodle system. Basic introduction to the use of the Moodle system will be sent to you by email before the course starts; they will also be provided during the first session.
Topics that will be discussed during the lectures/seminars:
Introduction. Trade data and trends.
Model of comparative advantage (Ricardo) and its extensions.
Neoclassical models - the role of differences in factor endowments. Specific factor model.
Heckscher-Ohlin model: derivation of the Leamer diagram. Stolper-Samuelson theorem. Factor Price equalization. Rybczynski theorem.
Empirical tests of trade theory. Leontief paradox. Intra-industry trade. Alternative theories of international trade (Product cycles, Linder's overlapping demands).
New theory of international trade: Krugman model with monopolistic competition and increasing returns to scale.
Introduction to the "New new" theory - models with heterogeneous firms (Melitz).
Introduction to the New Economic Geography (NEG)
Trade policy: basic instruments, partial equilibrium models.
Trade policy: general equilibrium, large country issues.
Economic integration: customs unions and free trade areas. Trade creation and trade diversion effects.
Models with the mobility of factors of production.
Tento kurz svým obsahem i hloubkou záběru odpovídá standardním kurzům International Trade, tak jak jsou vyučovány v kvalitních českých i zahraničních bakalářských programech. Cílem kurzu je seznámit studenty s vývojem teorie mezinárodního obchodu a poskytnout jim dostatečné základy k pochopení logiky nejdůležitějších modelů mezinárodního obchodu a intuici nutnou k orientaci v současných mezinárodních obchodních vztazích. Kurz je vyučován v angličtině.
Bližší informace ke kurzu, stejn ě jako materiály k jednotlivým přednáškám a seminářům, jsou dostupné na Moodle stránkách.