Teorie veřejné volby
Produkce ve veřejném sektoru a byrokracie
Výdajové programy
Teorie zdanění
Dopad daní
Zdanění a ekonomická efektivnost
Optimální zdanění
• Introduction
o Four questions of public finance
o Facts on governments around the world
o Why study public finance now?
• Economic Rationale for the Government
o Efficiency of the markets
o Market failures
o Distributive justice
o Paternalism
o Efficiency equity trade-off
• Public goods
o Types of public goods
o Efficient provision of public goods
• Public choice
o Voting
o Majority rule
• Government Bureaucracy
o Principal agent problem
o Rent-seeking
• Externalities
o Private solutions to externalities
o Public solution to externalities
• Expenditure programs
o Education
o Pension systems
o Health care and health insurance
• Financing public programs
o Taxation and economic efficiency
o Tax incidence
o Government borrowing
• Choice of taxation
o Optimal taxation - Ramsey rule, equal sacrifice
o Capital and other tax bases
Úvod do veřejných financí
Ekonomické zdůvodnění role státu Veřejné statky
Teorie veřejné volby Produkce ve veřejném sektoru a byrokracie
Externality Výdajové programy
Teorie zdanění Dopad daní Zdanění a ekonomická efektivnost Optimální zdanění
The course deals with standard public finance topics: we start with an introduction to the economic rationale for government. The major part of the course is then devoted to the theory of taxation, i.e. how taxes influence economic activities and analysis of public expenditure theories, namely public choice theory.
We conclude with an overview of literature and empirics on the globalization and Internet effects on the tax systems worldwide.