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Lecture visiting professor

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |

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Key Seminar Themes

I.    Introduction & Historical Overview & Definition of Terms

II.  Retributive Justice: Crimes and Punishment

III. Domestic Justice vs International Tribunals

IV. Democratization & Arenas of Administrative Justice: Purges, Lustration, Vetting

V.  Case Study: Contending with Communist Legacies

VI. Historical Justice:  Collective Memory, Truth Commissions and Reconciliation

VII. Case Study: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

VIII. Reparative Justice & Restoration of Victims: Rehabilitation & Restitution

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How do countries and societies overcome a history of large scale human rights violations? In this seminar we will examine two main and related themes, namely how democracies reckon with former authoritarian regimes and their legacies; and how "collective memories" are shaped. We will focus on trials, purges, truth commissions, reparations of victims and the controversies accompanying these dilemmas. Several case studies from Europe, South America and South Africa will help us understand the efficacy of these tools, their limitations and their relationship to collective memory.

Dates of the seminars: 27.2., 13.3., 27.3., a 10.4