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Euroatlantic Community in Action: NATO Operations after Cold War (ACIS)

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Introductory session: Information on course structure, teaching methods and credit requirements (8.10.)

Lesson A: Confusing victory: searching for a new mission after the end of Cold War (22.10.)

Lesson B: NATO in Bosnia: intervenor of last resort (5.11.)

Lesson C: War over Kosovo and the controveries of humanitarian intervention (19.11.)

Lesson D: NATO in Afghanistan: from peacekeeping to counterinsurgency (3.12.)

Lesson E: New matrix? NATO in Libya (17.12.)


The course draws students’ attention to the deployments of NATO forces after 1989. It will focus on NATO’s involvement in crisis management operations since the end of Cold War, starting with the discussion on NATO’s future at the turn of 1990s, followed by the deployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the bombardment of Milosevic’s Yugoslavia to the later engagement in Afghanistan and the recent operation in Libya.