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Crime in the Czech Society

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Crime in the contemporary Czech Society

Number: JSM612

Lecturer: PhDr. Martin Cejp, CSc.

Extend: 3/0

Credicts: 5


The aim is to give to the listeners knowledge about basic conception about the Crime, offenders and victims, what are reasons of Criminality and how measures can we do agaist it.


 Basic notions

 Typologie of offenders

? Typologie of victims

 Methodology of crime researches

 Public opinion about Crime

 Organised crime

 Ekonomic crime


? Corruption.

? Migration

? Home violence

 Prognostic in crime

 Society and Crime


? Represion


The course is oriented on the criminality development in the Czech Republic, organized crime and corruption, economic criminality and their common social effects. Another part of the course is focused on criminal policy, criminal represe and prevention.