Three-day block seminar:
Day 1: guest lecture by guest(s) followed by discussion or workshop.
Day 2: walking seminar and workshop on a pre-defined topic or problem.
Day 3. final joint discussion on a specified topic.
In the summer semester 2023 the seminar will take place from 31 March to 2 April 2023 in Vejprty as part of the KVAS workshop.
A three-day block seminar, designed primarily for students specializing in Social Anthropology and Qualitative Research, which takes place off campus (usually outside of Prague). The content of the seminar includes workshops with invited guests on professional and topics related to the specialization and qualitative research methodology, a full-day walking seminar during which students consult individually with the instructors on thesis projects and progress or other academic and professional topics, and a final joint discussion on a pre-selected topic related to the course. To be awarded credit, students must actively participate in all activities and submit a written reflection.