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Introduction to research methods

Class at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Course content (Lectures):

Basic characteristic, types and phases of sociology research

Theoretic preparation of sociology project, formulation of the research problem, hypotheses, definition and operationalisation the concepts

Choose and preparing of research methods, sampling,

Proces sociologického výzkumu: pilotáž, předvýzkum, terénní sběr dat

Questioning, questionaire, interview

Standard and nonstandard observation, desk research, content analysis, social experiment in sociology research

Qualitative reseach, procedure and methods

Special methods of data collection

Report processing, final report from the sociology research

Presentations of the final research results, ethic principles in the sociology research


Short Annotation: The main objective of the course is to introduce the students to the all basic methods and technics of empiric research. This course provides overview about all technics data collection, i. e. questioning, observation, experiment and desk research.

The course briefs students about basic methods of qualitative research.