1. Journalism, social media and content farm in the Mandarin-speaking society. (October 5)
Readings: 1.Silverman, C.(2015).Lies, damn lies, and viral content: How news websites spread online rumors, unverified claims, and misinformation. Retrieved from http://towcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/LiesDamnLies_Silverma 7TowCenter.pdf 2 Borges-Tiago, M.T., Tiago, F., & Cosme, C.(2019). Exploring users' motivations to participate in viral communication on social media, Journal of Business Research, 101, 574–582 2. Fake news and political polarization of news media in Taiwan (October 5)
Readings: 1.Barnidge, M. &Peacock, C.(2019). A third wave of selective exposure research? The challenges posed by hyperpartisan news on social media, Media and Communication, 7(3), 4–7. 2. Brummette, J., Distaso, M., Vafeiadis, M., & Messner, M.(2018). Read all about it: