26. 2. 2020: Vývoj sochařství doby helenismu
4. 3. 2020: Umění Pergamského království
11. 3. 2020: Umění Etrusků
18. 3. 2020: Umění Republiky
25. 3. 2020: Umění v době Caesara a Augusta
1. 4. 2020: Umění v době Caesara a Augusta
8. 4. 2020: výuka se nekoná - Velikonoce
15. 4. 2020: Umění prvního století n.l.
22. 4. 2020: výuka se nekoná
29. 4. 2020: výuka se nekoná
6. 5. 2020: výuka se nekoná - Rektorský den
13. 5. 2020: Umění v době vlády Flaviovské dynastie
20. 5. 2020: Umění v době vlády Marca Aurelia
Development of Greek Vase painting
Hellenistic sculptures
Art of the Kingdom of Pergamos
Art of Etruscans
Art of the Republic
Art in the period of the reign Caesar and Augustus
Art in the First century AD
Art in the period of the reign of the Flavian dynasty
Art in the period of the reign of Marc Aurelius
The course acquaints students with the development of architecture, sculpture and painting in ancient Greece and Rome. The basis is an analysis of architectural orders, acquaintance with the preserved and preserved extant buildings, sculptures and paintings realized from the Hellenic period to the Late antiquity.
The aim is to present the essence of ancient art, which formed the basis for the European artistic tradition in the following periods. Students will be acquainted with the form and function of architectural orders, the problems of the emergence of cities, urban planning, the basic types of private and public buildings; they will be presented with sculptures from the Hellenistic style to the sculptures of the Late Antiquity.
In addition to the votive sculpture, the emphasis will also be on sculpture related to architecture. Attention will also be paid for the production of ceramics and your painting, which is irreplaceable in terms of the study of the cultural history of antiquity and also in terms of iconography; the development of wall painting will also be introduced.