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Literature European and the Czech Baroque 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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1. Renesanční španělská literatura, celkový stav společnosti.

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3. Španělský pikareskní román.

4. Špnělská poezie humanismua  raného baroka.

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6. Španělské drama raného novověku, Don Juan.

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11. Francouzská literatura humanismu a raného baroka.

12. Závěrečné shrnutí, vazby mezi českou literatrou a Evropou.


The lecture is a two-year, four-semester and acquaints with particularities of the Renaissance and Baroque literature in various European countries. There is insufficient time for a more detailed explanation of various national literatures within the review lectures.

The base of the interpreted course consists of Italian, Spanish, French and German literature, but we also devote considerable attention to Polish literature and if possible, at least briefly we introduce as well examples from other Slavic literatures.