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The Catholic Church and the transformation of modern society

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


Transformations of the Catholic Church after 1848.Pontificates of Pius IX, Leo XIII and Pius X.Secularism and ultramontanism.I. Vatican Council.Modern times and the Catholic world at the beginning of the 20th century.Catholic modernism and its condemnation in 1907.The Holy See and the World War I.

The interwar world and the changes of the Vatican accent.The Holy See and authoritarian / totalitarian ideologies -Vatican and Italian Fascism 1922-45.Vatican and German Nazism 1923-45.Vatican and Soviet Communism 1917-45.Vatican and World War II. Discussions on Pius XII.Holy See and Cold War.II.

Vatican Council and its consequences.Personalities of Pope John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II.Conclaves or how the popes of the 20th century were elected.


The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the changes of the Catholic Church in the face of civil society. the social, economic and cultural processes associated with the emergence of civil society and are characteristic of modern times.