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Introduction to Syriac 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |


1) Lesson 13:

13.1 The Absolute State

13.2 Numbers

13.3 Ordinals

13.4 The Infinitive: G-Verbs

13.5 Infinitives with Pronominal Objects

2) Lesson 14:

14.1 Imperfect and Imperative of G-Verbs: Sound Roots

14.2 Imperfect and Inflection on I-n Verbs

14.3 Imperfect of I-alap Verbs

14.4 Imperfect of I-y Verbs

14.5 Imperfect of III-Weak Verbs

14.6 Imperfect of Hollow Verbs

14.7 Imperfect of Geminate Verbs

14.8 Imperfect of II-alap Verbs

3) Lesson 15:

15.1 Uses of the Imperfect

15.2 The Imperfect with Enclitic Objects

15.3 Suffix Pronouns with III-Weak Imperfect

15.4 Imperatives with Suffix Pronouns

15.5 Imperatives of III-Weak Roots with Suffix Pronouns

15.6 Nouns in -u and -i

4) Lesson 16:

16.1 The Pael Conjugation

16.2 Pael Conjugation: Various Verb Types

5) Lesson 17:

17.1 The Aphel Conjugation

17.2 Aphel Conjugation: Various Verb Types

6) Lesson 18:

18.1 Medio-passive Verbs: Ethpeel, Ethpaal & Ettaphal Conjugations

18.2 The Ethpeel Conjugation

18.3 Metathesis in Ethpeel

18.4 Ethpeel with Various Verb Types

7) Lesson 19:

19.1 The Ethpaal Conjugation

19.2 Metathesis in Ethpaal

19.3 III-Weak Verbs in Ethpaal

8) Lesson 20:

20.1 The Ettaphal Conjugation

20.2 Adjectives/Nouns in -ana

20.3 Substantivation of Participles

20.4 Abstraction of Substantivized Participles

20.5 Other Verbal Forms

9) Peshitta Reading:   Luke 24:13-35 (a Synoptic Reading of the Versions: Vetus Syra S and C, Peshitta, Harclean Version)

10) Peshitta Reading: Luke 24:13-35 (continuing)

11) Reading of a Syriac Legendary Narrative: The First Discovery of the True Cross

12) Reading of a Syriac Legendary Narrative: The First Discovery of the True Cross (continuing)


"Syriac is the Aramaic dialect of Edessa, an important center of early Christianity in Mesopotamia. Edessene Syriac was rapidly accepted as the literary language of all non-Greek eastern Christianity and was the primary vehicle for the Christianization of large parts of central and south-central Asia" (Thackston, Introduction to Syriac, p. vii).

Students are introduced into a complete knowledge of the Syriac verbal paradigms and all categories of nouns. Basic rules of syntax are also explained.

Exercises focus on translation of the New Testament texts (Peshitta), and in the last part of semester also non biblical text are presented (simple prose and poetry).